Espresso and Cuddle Time

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Reborn is going to kill Verde. He can't believe that the antidote didn't work on him. Or at least that's what he thought since he was the only ex-arcobaleno left that haven't grow a single centimeter after they took the pill since two weeks ago.

He was about to find and give Tsuna extra torture tutoring when he saw Tsuna taking a nap with Natsu under the tree outside through the mansion's window. Tsuna was cuddling with Natsu and Reborn can't help but think how adorable they were now. I wonder how cuddling with Tsuna felt like. And he froze. He was so appalled of that sudden thought that he proceeded to give Tsuna a special Vongola-style wake-up call.



Tsuna's bedroom door got blasted away by a certain Gesso boss at the ungodly hour of 4 a.m. with a sleepy Yuni tagging along behind him.

"Wakey wakey Tsu-chan. Let's go climb the Alps and watch the sunrise together~~"

"Erghh, what the h***, Byakuran. I need my sleep and you're paying for the door." Tsuna mumbled out and proceed to bury his face in his pillow. He missed the shocked look on Byakuran's face and the blushing on Yuni's face.

"Oh my marshmallow god, how dare you tainted Yuni's innocent! And how dare you didn't tell me that you got yourself a boyfriend already? I thought we're best friends and best friends share good news together." Byakuran sniffed while at the same time covered Yuni's eyes with his hands.

Tsuna's eyes snapped open and he immediately sat up. "WHAT?!! I didn't get-" Tsuna's words were cut off when his head got hit by a pillow from behind.

"Shut up, dame-Tsuna. I'm trying to sleep here."

"Hiiee! What? How? Who-" Wait a second, he called me dame-Tsuna... "Reborn? But-"


A bullet whizzed past Tsuna's hair and embedded itself at the wall beside Byakuran.

"It's either you go back to sleep now on your own or I'll help putting you into a permanent sleep." The 15 years old Reborn said gruffly and snuggled deeper under the comforter.

"Looks like you got yourself a grumpy boyfriend, Tsu-chan~"

"Sorry, Tsuna for disturbing your...hmm....sleep with Uncle Reborn. We'll take our leave now." Yuni began to drag the Mare teen away. "Come on, Byakuran. We shouldn't disturb them anymore."

"Ah, wait, Yuni-chan..." He was pretty sure the both of them have misunderstood him but he never got the chance to call the duo back when Reborn unconsciously pulled him to the bed and cuddled with him. Tsuna fainted from the sheer shock of it because Reborn never cuddle and omg, Reborn didn't put on any shirt.


Tsuna thought the cuddle thing and Reborn sleeping on his bed was just a nightmare. Until he woke up just in time to see Reborn left his room with a bad mood aura surrounding him. He idly wondered about the crazy growth rate pattern of the arcobaleno. Reborn practically grew from a five years old boy to fifteen years old teen in a single night. He really has to make sure he stayed away from Verde's creation.


The sudden growth and the change in hormones has made Reborn's killing mode on almost majority of the day. The only thing that can calm him down was the espresso brewed by either Nana (which unfortunately was in Japan) or Tsuna.

Sufficed to say, nobody in the mansion was suicidal enough including Hibari and Mukuro (after they learnt their lesson of course) to go anywhere within 500 meter radius from the ex-sun arcobaleno.

This was also probably the only good news for Tsuna because all his guardians were smart enough to not cause chaos or destroying any part of the mansion in case Reborn exploded on them.

On a second thought, he really shouldn't have jinxed himself. It just happened that the day Reborn ran out of expresso was the day everyone seems to have business with him – his guardians, the Varia, the Simon, Byakuran and the arcobaleno; Skull and Colonello who was still under the influence of the antidotes.

Reborn was not amused by it. He wanted his espresso.

"Tsuna is mine and he's going with me, so, f*** off." Reborn began to drag Tsuna from the chaos in the main hall caused by all the groups of people.

"Ushishishishi, the prince comes first."

"The brat isn't going anywhere till he pays back all the money that I have spent under the antidote's influence."

"But, Reborn, Tsuna is going to watch the baseball league with me today."

"Tsuna needs to help me find Lal, kora."

"I need Tsuna to help me save all the relatives of Oodako and take over the world."

"That's not fair. You can't keep Tsu-chan for yourself every day."

Tsuna winced. It seemed like there were still people who wanted to die a painful death. He didn't need his hyper intuition to tell him how much his mansion would survive. (You should worry more for your friends instead of your mansion, Tsuna)


The cuddling at night still continued though after the little massacre and Tsuna might or might not have taken a liking onto that new sleeping habit of Reborn who was surprisingly warm and a good cuddler. (Tsuna always thought that Reborn was cold-blooded)


"That was obviously pure jealousy and possessiveness. And you said that you both aren't dating each other." Byakuran pouted as he lied on his bed with his whole body covered in bandages.


A/n: I'm kind of busy with my university life currently and I only have time to write this in my phone during my lunch break. So, I can't update this drabble series regularly.

But, the good news is this series still have at least 10 more special chapters to go before it is complete. Some of them are chapters for Reborn and Fon and Mammon (boy). Might also do a chapter on Bermuda if I have any idea pop up in my head. (Ideas are welcomed)

(I actually already plan for this chapter since the beginning of this series but the part with Byakuran only came up a few days ago XD. Also, in case you have read Happy Birthday KHR series, this series is not related to the chapter 3.)

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