Family Drama

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A/n: Sorry for the late update. >_< 


The very first thing that Tsuna did when he dashed through the door of the police station was to clasp the police officer's hands and stared at him while gasping for breath. "Please....please tell me-"

"Calm down, they are perfectly fine and safe. Nothing happened to them." Eddie, the police officer, smiled to reassure him although his plan backfired as Tsuna became more panic.

"Not them. I'm worried about you. Are you alright? Please tell me you are alright. What's one plus one equal to?" Sane person wouldn't smile in the presence of those people.

"What? I-" Before Eddie could say anything, a certain marshmallow addict interrupted him.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Tsu-chan. You're such a bad mum. Instead of someone that you never meet before, you should be more worry about your two sons here." Byakuran gestured at the two little boys beside him.

"Ushishishi, how dare you put someone else before the prince?"

"More like your mum ditch you guys." Nosaru laughed at his seat.

"Boooo." Bluebell who was hugging Byakuran jeered at both Bel and Mammon.

"Muu, did you hate us, mama?" The eight years old ex-mist arcobaleno clutched onto Tsuna's arm and sniffed.

He has the sudden urge to bang his head on the nearby wall and fainted right there and then.

"Urgh, let me guess. You're the one that trigger Mammon, isn't it, Bel?" Tsuna said as he remained unfazed by Bel, Nosaru and Bluebell who appeared in their 10 years old form. Must have been Mammon's illusion.

"Ushishishi. That's right. It only took the prince one try to trigger him. Aren't you proud of me, mama?" Although it was only by pure chance that he did managed to trigger him. He didn't expect his casual remark on how Mammon should enjoy his 'childhood' instead of being gloomy like usual would be the trigger.

Tsuna sighed before he continued. "I don't even have custody over you. Shouldn't Xan-" He shook his head. "Shouldn't you call Lussuria to handle this? Heck, even Byakuran can bail you out!" He pointed accusingly at the Gesso boss who was happily gulfing down the marshmallow as though he was just drinking water.

"They are your children, not mine. (Varia is under Vongola) Unless *gasp* Tsu-chan finally willing to accept my love-"

"Papa exploded the moment that police officer phoned him." Mammon cut off Byakuran's words and gestured at Eddie who winced as he recalled the colorful string of words the moment he mentioned both the kids' names to Xanxus in the call. He has no idea one can use so many cuss words in a single sentence.

"Mama Luss is out on her shopping spree while mama Squ is out f***ing people with his sword." Bel continued as though it was a normal thing to a 'child' would say in the police station.

Eddie stared dumbfoundedly at the family in front of him. He didn't get what they are talking at all. They sounded like a very complicated family. And he has a feeling he didn't want to understand either. So, he just handed Tsuna and Byakuran a form to sign before letting the kids go.

"What did the kids do to get caught here anyway, Mr. Officer?" Tsuna asked as he signed the form.

"They are disturbing the public by having paintball fight in the middle of the street."

The brunet bumped his head onto the table while Byakuran complained about why he was not invited at the back.

"Are you okay, miss?" Eddie asked in concerned when Tsuna refused to lift his head from the table.

Tsuna's eyes snapped open at his title. "WHAT?!"


"Aww, Tsu-chan! You look so cute when you pout like that especially in that cute dress of yours." Byakuran poked his cheek as the six of them walked by the street.

Tsuna glared at the Gesso boss, then to the rest of them. He couldn't believe that he didn't notice Mammon put an illusion on him. And the worst of all, the little mist refused to lift up the illusion because Byakuran said so.

"Good kid listens to adult. And Byakuran is older than you, mama."

"But, you call me mama. And good kid doesn't get into paintball fight in the middle of the street."

"Tsu-chan~~ I'll ask Mammon-kun to remove the illusion if you say 'I love you~'"

Tsuna stared impassively at Byakuran and a sudden idea popped up in his mind.

'A mafia boss never does things half-ass.' That's what Reborn always told him. It's time for him to apply what he has learnt from his tutor now.

Since Mammon refused to remove the illusion, he might as well make good use of it. He stopped walking and clutched onto the hem of his illusionary dress.

"Tsu-chan?" Byakuran tilted his head in confusion.

Tsuna took in a deep breath and stared at the ground. Big fat tears came rolling down his cheeks as he began to sob loudly in the middle of the walkways.

"I....I don't mind –hic- if you want to – hic- get another –hic- wife. I don't mind if –hic- your brother and sister are bullying me. –hic- I want to remain by your side. –hic- Please don't ditch me." Tsuna said between his sobs.

His cries have attracted the attention of almost everyone in the street. The mischievous Mammon immediately sided with Tsuna and cried along with him. "Papa, please don't abandon mama." He shook Byakuran's hands.

Bel quickly caught on and said. "The prince doesn't want the peasants' mother to be the prince's mother." He pointed accusingly at Nosaru and Bluebell.

Byakuran's jaw dropped. Nosaru choked on his drinks on Bluebell.

Bluebell shrieked. "Ewww. What the he** is wrong with you?"

"It's not my fault. It's Tsuna's fault."

And Tsuna cried further at the mention of his name. He smirked internally when he saw majority of the passer-by were now glaring daggers at Byakuran. One of them even offered him tissues to wipe his tears away.

Reborn must have been very proud of me.


A/n: Reborn has totally corrupted Tsuna.....

On a side note, there are roughly five more chapters to go before this end (I think). I just need time to transfer those into my laptop since I wrote them in my notebook, which I have no idea where I put it.... 

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