Angel of Despair

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A/N: Hey guys! This chapter, you will meet all the girls and go to the mansion, but going with a mostly unexplored idea. You will have your own powers. The picture above is what you basically look like in your 'Fallen' form as I call it. One wing and your eye glows whatever colour your eyes are. Also, you will have the ability to produce black flames and shape them however you'd like. You just have to learn to control them. Think of them like Rin's flames from Blue Exorcist.

Yami: Conveniently, Rin is in the picture for the song.

A/N: Oh yeah. Well, you should get the drill by now! Enjoy!


I was walking through the forest with my knife in my pocket, ready to find something to have me dead. But nothing. I walked for 10 minutes and nothing happened. After walking for another 5, I found a huge mansion that had somehow never been seen before. People in the town talked about killers in these woods. Maybe this is where they lived. I'm sure if some random guy barged in waving a colourful knife around, they would have them killed. So that was my plan. I straightened my collar on my coat and flipped out my knife. As I walked up to the large door, I reared back my foot and slammed it into the door, almost blasting it open.

Y/N: Sup fuckers!? 

I yelled into the mansion to draw attention to myself, but nothing. No sound, no movement. I walked a few feet in, casually observing the large foyer. It looked a lot nicer inside than outside. Outside, the building looked barely stable, inside though? It looked brand new. I flicked my knife around a bit as I walked the halls of the mansion, looking for anything out of place. I found a long hall that wrapped around the building, doors on my left and right. 

Most of them were labeled and I took note of how great it would be to live in a place like this... if I didn't want to be dead already. There was a gym, a pool with a sauna, three large shower rooms and several bedrooms. The names on the doors of the bedrooms were all weird nicknames that sounded like they were for killers and psychopaths. In my case, that was a good sign. If I pissed off anyone living in this place, I would be good and dead. So I yelled out again.

Y/N: Anyone home!? I'm here to fuck your shit up!

After getting no response, I simply walked into the theater room in the mansion and took note of the piano and mic on a stage as well as a few rows of seats. With nothing better to do until the killers got home, I went to the piano. I sat down and played a few tunes. Nothing special, just some basic stuff to go with songs I made before I jumped town. I smirked a bit to myself remembering my previous performances. Everyone that came to my show loved my stupid shit and one of their favourites was my song 'Straight White Male'. It was a dumb song about white people problems and apparently people thought it was goddamn hilarious. 

Eventually, I left the theater room and headed for the kitchen. I figured I'd be found quicker if I went to a place people love the most in their home. Food is usually high on a person's want list when they get home. After waiting in the kitchen for a few minutes, checking out all the different kinds of food they had, I heard the door creak a bit. I figured that the people here were home and I decided to greet them. I walked into the foyer to see several girls, all looking inhuman in some way. 

A girl with a pale face and carved smile, a tall woman with a suit and no face, a girl with a white mask with black eyes and a black dress, a taller girl in what looked like Link cosplay but their eyes had black sclerae with red irises, a girl with a smile stitched onto her face and a clock for an eye, and a girl with a blue mask with black eye holes with some sort of black liquid coming down it.

Y/N: Welcome home!

Clock: Huh!? Who are you!? How did a human get here!?

Y/N: So glad you asked! Why don't you slice my throat and you can go on with your lives?

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