Big Mistake

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A/N: Hey guys! So if you read the title, you might be thinking that I'm canceling this story which is not the case! This chapter will showcase a new ability associated with your powers. And give us some more back story on you and your adopted family that died.

Yami: So why is it called big mistake?

A/N: Jane told the reader how Benny was the prankster of the house, right?

Yami: Yeah? Is Benny going to prank Y/N?

A/N: Yes, but it will make a big mess and you go bat shit crazy.

Yami: Yay for rage and explosions!

A/N: Enjoy!

Benny's POV

I was sitting around in the living room watching TV early in the morning when Y/N walked into the room. After his trip into town the other day, he got some more clothes. Today, instead of wearing his dark and brooding coat, he was wearing jeans and a gray t-shirt. The shirt looked tight on him and with his arms exposed, you could see that he had some noticeable muscle on him. As per usual, he was doing little tricks with his knife. 

Benny: Morning Y/N!

Y/N: Morning Benny. Sleep well?

Benny: Yup! How about you? 

Y/N: I guess I slept well. 

Benny: Hey, why do you always have your knife out?

Y/N: It keeps me calm.

Benny: Maybe a little too calm...

Y/N: If I didn't have it, I'd be an emotional mess.

Benny: Really?

A thought suddenly occurred. I could use this to prank Y/N pretty good. If what he said is true, than his knife going missing would make him break down. No way he'd be able to live that kind of embarrassment down. He sat down and twirled his knife around, watching the TV as he flipped it around his hand. 

I went about my day normally, but when night fell I snuck into his room. He was dead asleep on the bed, but his shirt was off and I could now clearly see his well built body. He wasn't super buff but he still had muscle while also being lean. I blushed a little but smirked and grabbed the knife off his bedside table. I then quietly snuck back out of the room.

Timeskip brought to you by Benny locking Jill and Y/N in the sauna


I woke up in the morning feeling groggy as usual. I was never much of a morning person. I rolled over on my bed and reached to grab my knife, only to not feel it. I looked over to my nightstand, seeing the knife wasn't there. I quickly jumped out of bed in a panic, checking under the table, under the bed, under the covers, under my pillow, and in the drawers of my desk and nightstand. I couldn't find the knife anywhere. 

My breathing picked up as well as my heart rate to violent speeds. I realized the only possible explanation, someone here, in the mansion, had taken my knife to screw with me. If it were anything else, I would have taken it lightly, but my knife was different. Far different. I felt my panic change to rage in an instant, my wing shooting out and my fire covering my whole body. My mind went blank and I let my rage out.

Benny's POV

I was sitting in the living room with Y/N's knife. It was pretty cool, as well as shiny and green. I looked at it for a while, waiting for Y/N to come into the room, begging for the knife. But it was taking a while. I got impatient and got up to go find him. As I stood up, I heard a big explosion followed by an ungodly roar. I rushed down the hall to the source of the explosion to find everyone else already there.

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