Time For Killing

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A/N: Hey guys! So we're finally here! Not only do you finally get that sweet sweet gore you've been wanting, but you also get the best thing in these stories... plot!

Yami: You're putting a plot in this harem story?

A/N: Yeah, and I plan to go away from the usual plot of something goes kinda bad, op protag kills problem, protag bones every girl in a night, the end.

Yami: And what is your plan?

A/N: When they know, you'll know. Enjoy!


Jess and I had left the mansion a few minutes ago, and we've already found the perfect victims. I recognized the group as the bitchy chicks from school. I smirked evilly with an insane look on my face to match Jess as I began to walk out of the tree line. The girls all heard me walk out, and looked over, seeing me with a neutral expression.

Girl 1: What the!? 

Girl: Who the hell are you!?

Girl 3: Hey, I recognize you! You're that guy who dropped out a while ago!

Girl 2: Wow, dropping out of high school? What a loser!

I tried hard to hold my neutral expression, but lost it and started laughing. I laughed with an insane look in my eye before I walked closer to them.

Y/N: You three look nice. It'd be unfortunate for me to rip your clothes when I dismember you.

One of the girls laughed at me, not taking me seriously.

Girl 1: You think you're intimidating? You're just an edgy loser!

Y/N: Oh, you don't have to be scared of me. But, you might be scared of my friend.

Jess then walked out from behind me as she held up her knife, leaning on my shoulder.

Jess: Aww, look at them. They're so scared they can't speak.

Y/N: How 'bout I cut all your tongues out so you never speak again?

I then set myself on fire, the flames slowly burning away my skin and flesh. Once I was back in skeletal form, my eye lit up and I put up my fist, which was now on fire with all of my body. I opened my hand and strings came from my fingertips. The girls had now finally gotten back to the situation and ran screaming.

Y/N: Oh no you don't...

I pointed my hand towards the three girls, my wires wrapping them up by the ankles and dragging them back slowly. They continued to scream, one louder and more high pitched than the others.

Y/N: Annoying.

I wrapped my wires around her head, crossing over her mouth before I tightened them and caused the wires to rip her jaw off. She quickly fell to the ground dead.

Girl 1: No, please! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

Y/N: I don't want your apologies, I want your heads.

I then wrapped one girl around a tree, suspending the other in the air above me. I smirked sadistically before wrapping wires around her arms, legs, and neck. She screamed in pain as I began to pull. I made the wires pull more and more, causing her screams to increase before I ripped one of her arms off. Then came the other arm, followed by her legs. I used the wires to hold the bleeding so she wouldn't bleed out. Finally, as she ran out of screams, I sliced her head off. I finally dropped the body, blood pouring out of her.

Y/N: And now, for the last one.

I turned to the last girl, only to see Jess had killed her by slitting her throat, cutting her eyelids off, and carving a smile into her face.

Jess: What, you were taking too long.

Y/N: Just reveling in the kill. Wanna send the bodies into town?

Jess: No, we keep the bodies here. Besides, these young girls should still have some nice kidneys for Jackie.

Y/N: Huh?

Jess: You haven't been told? Jackie loves the taste of human kidneys.

Y/N: Well, that's something.

I shifted back to my human form as Jess and I walked back to the mansion dragging the bodies, or at least what's left of them. As we walked into the mansion Jess and I dropped the bodies.

Y/N: We're home!

Ann came around the corner, coming to greet me with a hug before she noticed all the blood on me and the remains of the girls at my feet.

Y/N: Sorry about the mess, I'll clean up and then you can give me that hug.

Ann smiled and nodded. I noticed that she had taken her mask off, however, she still hid her face slightly with her long hair. I gave her a kiss on the cheek as I walked to the bathroom.

Slenda's POV

After I heard Y/N and Jess come home, I looked at my completed piece. I had finished the coat Y/N asked for in much less time than I said it would take. The cloak came out nicely, and I hoped he would like it. I remembered what he said when he asked me to make the coat.

Slenda: Anything, huh?

In truth, I wanted to ask him if I could join in on his little harem he seemed to be building, but I didn't want to come off as pushy or desperate. After all, I'm supposed to be the one taking care of everyone here. Getting romantically involved with one of my proxies seemed wrong. But, maybe he wouldn't mind? I was brought out of my thoughts by a knocking at the door.

Slenda: Who is it?

Y/N: It's me, can I come in?

I quickly hid away the coat, deciding to show him later.

Slenda: Come in.

Y/N walked in and smiled as he stood in the doorway.

Slenda: How can I help you, Y/N?

Y/N: Well, I just got done hunting with Jess. I came to check on how the coat's doing.

Slenda: It's doing just fine.

Y/N: Cool! Well, I'm going to the spring before dark, so I'll be back in an hour or so. Benny wanted to come with, so I'm taking her too.

Slenda: Ok, I'll see you when your coat's done.

Y/N waved and ran out. I sighed and held up the coat. I gripped it with determination as I made my decision.

Slenda: I'll ask him. Tonight.

A/N: Hey! Thanks for reading! So now, you're getting your coat soon, along with a more considerable kill count than 2.

Yami: Technically 12, since the school murder spree.

A/N: True. Anyways, next chapter will be plot heavy and "plot" heavy as you may have guessed from you and Benny going to the spring. 

Yami: Well it's late. I'm going to bed.

A/N: Yeah, me too. Signing off!

- Iain

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