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A/N: Hey guys! So I'm finally back again after being dead for a while! After Benny walked in on Jill seducing you, you were totally, definitely out for the two months it's been since last time!

Yami: I don't think their biggest concern is the timing of the chapter. I think it's more the picture, song, and title.

A/N: Oh, yeah! Well, I was browsing some stuff and randomly found this cool thing called 'Shadow Sans' which I don't know anything about! All I know is that it's convenient for the story since my plan was to make you a Gaster/Bendy monster but this works out way better! Even the firey effect around him!

Yami: Well, I think I'll end this author's note before A/N goes on a rant. Enjoy!

3rd Person POV

After Jill and Benny had gotten dressed and put Y/N in his room, he woke up. Y/N dragged himself out of the bed and shuffled over to the mirror. He looked up into the mirror, but instead of seeing his normal face, he saw two empty eye sockets looking back at him. He let out a little shout as he jumped back a bit, noticing his sudden lack of skin or flesh, and dark, shadowy flames around his body.

Y/N: What the...

Y/N took a closer look at his features, noticing his sharp teeth and one glowing eye. He also noted that his skull was cracked around the glowing eye. The flames soon subsided, but Y/N was left still as a skeleton.

Y/N: Well... that's new.

A knocking at the door took Y/N out of his thoughts. He looked at the door before hearing Jane's voice on the other side.

Jane: Y/N? You awake?

Y/N: Uh, yeah! I'm awake!

Jane: You ok in there? I heard a shout.

Y/N: I'm fine!

Jane: Ok, well hurry up and come downstairs! Slenda made breakfast!

Y/N: Don't wait up for me!

Y/N heard Jane leave before he looked back at the mirror, his hollow eyes still staring back at him.

Y/N: How am I gonna get out of this one?

Y/N once again heard a knock, turning his head again.

Y/N: Who is it?

Ann: It's Ann. I wanted to check up on you.

Y/N: I'm good, thanks, Ann. Jane stopped by a second ago.

Ann: Oh, ok. Mind if I come in?

Y/N: Uh, actually... Could I get a minute?

Ann: Sure. I'll go downstairs with the others.

Y/N: See you in a bit!

Y/N sighed as he held his head in his hand. He tried to concentrate on bringing back his normal form, but nothing was happening. The most he could do was set himself on fire.

Y/N: Damn... What now?

Unbeknownst to Y/N, Benny was planning on getting into Y/N's room through his TV. When she slightly stuck her head out, she looked at Y/N, seeing him on fire, but unable to make out any of his details. She quietly snuck out of the TV, getting closer to Y/N before she was fully behind him. Suddenly, Y/N let out a heavy sigh as he released the air he was holding while trying to concentrate. This led to the flames going out and Benny seeing Y/N in his skeletal form.

Benny: AHHHH!

Y/N jumped and shouted at the sudden cry from behind him before he turned around, seeing Benny on the floor.

Y/N: Benny!?

Benny: W-What happened to you!?

Y/N: Weird morning, what are you doing in my room!?

Benny merely stared in shock at Y/N's new appearance before a sudden crash brought their attention to the door being busted down by Jane and Clockwork.

Clockwork: What's wrong!? What-

Clockwork was cut off as she saw Y/N backed against the corner in his new form.

Clockwork: What the hell!?

Timeskip brought to you Y/N's sudden urge to tell horrible puns

The girls were now all in the living room, seated around Y/N, who is still a skeleton.

Slenda: So, when did this happen?

Y/N: When I woke up, I was just... like this.

Slenda: Could this be that power you mentioned before?

Y/N: Maybe. I'm not sure though. This is different.

Jane: So, can you change back?

Y/N: If I could, I would've been back to normal already.

The girls seemed to ponder before Slenda spoke up again.

Slenda: Well, maybe this will pass and you'll just go back to normal naturally. We should wait a bit and see.

Y/N: So we wait? I guess that's not too bad.

Jackie: I just realized that we have another problem.

Clockwork: What's that?

Jackie: We haven't killed anyone since Y/N showed up.

Slenda: That is true. We haven't gotten much chance to go out and kill lately.

Y/N: Do you girls have some kind of kill schedule?

Jess: Something like that. We all go out in groups. Each group goes out on a different day.

Y/N: Makes sense.

Jess: So what now?

Slenda: For now, we wait until Y/N is back to normal. Once that happens, we can get back into our schedule.

Y/N: Well, I'm gonna take a nap then.

Jane: Didn't you just wake up?

Y/N: Yeah, but seeing as I'm a skeleton, I can't really eat.

Y/N then walked off, going up to his room as he left the girls to their thoughts in the living room.

Timeskip brought to you by Sans and Y/N having a staredown


After my nap, I just paced around my room. I hadn't changed back to normal, so I figured I'd be like this for a while. I guess giving this form a name other than skeleton would be nice. I tried coming up with names that might suit the form, but nothing was coming to mind. I also realized that if I was going to live here, I needed to get into the habit of killing a bit more. And to do that, I need a new outfit.

Y/N: My edge-coat might not work out for that.

I got on my computer and started to browse for options. Eventually, I found one that stood out from the rest. A long coat like mine, but with a few differences.

Y/N: Ah, this... This'll do very nicely.

A/N: Hey guys! So now I've basically confirmed you're sans. But, the question now is... which one?

Yami: I'm gonna guess the fiery, shadow one?

A/N: Well... you're half right. While you hold a resemblance to Shadow Sans, your look and style will be based off and or stolen from my all-time favorite Sans AU. It's one with Sans losing everything in his world to a hacker before going beyond the power of reset. It's confusing to hear, but if you look it up, it's pretty damned cool.

Yami: Just go online and look for purple coat pirate sans. When you see Undyne as a pirate and two children looking like Frisk and Chara, you've found it.

A/N: Again, sorry for the wait, but I'm just struggling to find a plot. Signing off!

- Iain

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