Powers And A Competition

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry, this is out so late. Especially after what happened last chapter.

Yami: Yup, you kept everyone waiting for the perv who wants to get in their pants.

A/N: And I almost feel bad about the fact that the date isn't this chapter.

Yami: Well, we'd give more details about this chapter, but anything more than the obvious will spoil a HUGE thing that happens later!

A/N: Yeah, but I guess what I'll tell you is that you'll have to wait a while longer for the second lemon. I'm not gunning for a lemon story, but there will be a few in here to fit the kind of story this is.

Yami: At this point, I'll probably just write the lemons for you. I'm sure I can make it as cringey as the rest of yours.

A/N: I don't know if I should be proud or concerned... Enjoy!


I was sitting on my bed at the mansion. After yesterday, I was trying to focus on my power for if Jill tried anything. I know her well enough now to know that she'll try something at any point. I needed to be ready for a fight if she pulled something. I didn't have anything in particular against this weird harem thing, but I'm still a firm believer that things need to lead into each other. Jill was jumping past every step and right into the bed part.

As I continued focusing, my flames and wing came out. I looked over my flaming arm as I tried to focus it into a new form. I sat there, staring at my hand for a few minutes before the flames dispersed. However, my hand had turned an inky black colour, along with the rest of my body. I got up and looked into a mirror, only to see I was back to normal. I tried to focus again, only to be interupted by Jess coming into the room, seeing me on fire as I stared at the mirror.

Jess: Y/N?

Y/N: Huh? Oh, hey Jess.

I looked in her direction as my flames stayed on my body for a moment before dispersing.

Jess: You gonna be ok today?

Y/N: You should ask that to Jill.

Jess: Getting cocky are we?

Y/N: I call it confidence. Anyways, I'm trying to figure out my powers a little more so I can prevent Jill from raping me.

Jess: Well I'm sure if you use your flames like that other time, you wont have any problem.

Y/N: That's what I'm trying to get, but nothing. But just now, I focused really hard on my flames and I turned pitch black.

Jess: Geez, could you get any creepier?

Y/N: I'm not as creepy as the rest of you. I'm too human.

Jess: You have it lucky. A lot of us wish we could be human.

Y/N: Oh, I'm far from human. But I just don't have a creepy aura about me like you.

Jess: Well I've been doing this way longer than you. It's no surprise that I'm better at it.

Y/N: Well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?

Jess: Is that a challenge I hear?

Me and Jess were now slightly leaning towards each other, my hands in my pockets and hers on her hips as we smilled evily while glaring lightly at one another.

Y/N: If you think you're better, let's see you prove it.

Jess: Fine. First to scare Benny wins!

Y/N: I've already won.

Jess left the room, going to her room likely to plan. I had a plan already. I knew how to scare Benny, but it was really, really mean. I might even scar her for life. Plan A was to use that new appearance work and blend it with the piano with her alone to spook her. I knew that might not work, so Plan B was to increase my rage 10 fold and bring back that form from before and use it against her.

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