Part 3 - A New Life

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The first couple of days at camp were difficult but gradually everyone was starting to set into their roles

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The first couple of days at camp were difficult but gradually everyone was starting to set into their roles. Mostly men and a couple women did guard duty and patrol of the camp while the women cooked, washed clothes and looked after the children. To her surprise even the Dixon brothers were helping out, well they hunted for fresh meat. Rosalie had to admit that she did not like Merle one bit he was constantly high and tried to sleep with any woman he could. However she wasn't sure how she felt about Daryl, he was quiet but still snappy he pretty much stayed clear of everyone at camp.

As for Rosalie well she was appointed the camp doctor which was a blessing as well as a curse. She loved helping people it was the reason she had become a nurse, to save lives. However she was constantly busy looking at scrapes, splinters and any other minor injury. Understandably everyone was on edge not fully knowing all the different ways the virus could spread so she had to deal with a lot of panicked people and parents. Although she had told everyone that it was only passed through bites and scratches from the dead they still insisted that she doubled checked to make sure.

When she wasn't tending to people Rosalie spent most of her time with Connor either reading or playing board games. Although she was also trying to teach him basic survival skills. She may have felt safe at camp but that didn't stop her from worrying that something could go wrong, if they ever got separated she wanted Connor to be able to look after himself.

Connor was currently wondering around camp while the adults had a meeting about who was going on a quick supply run to the city outskirts. He was hoping that Shane wouldn't let his mother go, the anxiety of not knowing if she'd come back would be too much for him. He knew it sounded somewhat selfish that he only wanted his mother to stay with him but he just didn't want her to get hurt, or worse.

Connor rounded a corner and saw someone sat on a log, Daryl was it? He wasn't sure but he knew he was related to "that asshole Merle" as he mum would say. Connor debated for a moment before making is way over to the man who looked like he was skinning something. Connor stood in front of Daryl not sure what to say.

"What d'you want kid?" The man grumbled startling Connor in the process.

"Um I was just uh wondering...what are you doing?"

"Skinning and gutting squirrels" came his simple reply, Daryl didn't even take his eyes away from the task at hand. Connor stood there awkwardly mumbling a "cool" before sitting down.

Daryl glanced at the kid next to him, he recognised him as that nurse Rosalie's kid. She would probably kick his ass for talking to her son but the young man didn't look like he was going anywhere anytime soon. "What?" He asked gruffly.

"Can I have a go?" Connor burst out following it a moment later with a "please"

Daryl let out a snort of laughter "yeah sure ya mum would love that"

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