The past

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Recap; somthing is wrong on Sukor. Something from the previous life is crossing their new life. The priest has gone to meet a higher priest.

As decided the family leaves n stayed at Rajvanshi mansion.

Suraj was carrying the luggage of Chakor. Kasturi n Teju prayed for both lives. As they believed in the priest words unlike Suraj. Chakor was frighten. Suraj enters the guest room to check on Chakor.

Chakor looked up it was a small noise of the door but she nearly jumped on bed. Suraj; I'm sorry it's me relax. Chakor shiver Suraj comes to her. He asked her if it would alright if he sits on the bed. Chakor didn't say a word but nod her head.

Suraj sat besides her. Chakor looked sown her legs were on the bed n her arms around her knees. Suraj put his hand on her back.

Chakor relaxes his warm hand gave her a feeling of safety. Shw controlled her shake n looked up to him. Suraj smiled. Chakor smiled back.

Suraj; how u feel?. Chakor; better. Suraj; maa is preparing the food do u have any wishes?. Chakor shook her head. Suraj smiled he stood up n was abr to leave. Chakor hold his hand. Suraj; is there something?. Chakor; don't go!. Suraj; I won't leave ur side 😊. But dad is waiting. I will just talk to him n come back. Chakor nod.

Suraj went to his fathers study. KN was scared his fear was written on his face. Suraj; Dad r u fine? KN; do I look like I am? Suraj; dad? KN; I wanted Chakor as ny Bahu but not like that. What curse is she carrying from her past life?. Suraj; whatever she is carrying I am having it too. KN; no beta. Suraj; dad u heard the priest. We took a 2nd life to be together bcz in our previous life something happened. KN; But I can't risk ur life. Suraj; dad u r not. It is me who is taking this decision.

Chakor was waiting for Suraj his presence was giving her peace but again there was something. Chakor hears some noises she looked around... nothing. Again a noise... but there is nothing. Chakor walked to the door she thought it would be good to be with the others. But the door was closed. Someone or something locked.

Suraj; Papa u like her atleast u told me u do. KN nod. Suraj; then y r u scared? Nothing is gonna happen...

Chakor screams loud. Suraj!!!! Suraj hears her. Chakor?. KN was confused he couldn't hear her. Not even a single word. Chakor was hammering on the door. Suraj!!!!. Suraj runs to the room n tried to open. But it was locked on both sides.

Suraj; Chakor... Chakor!. Chakor; haan. Suraj; move aside I will break this door. Bhuvaan n KN comes there too n were shocked to see this situation. Suraj kicks on the door n he could break the lock. Chakor runs out into his arms. She was crying on his chest.

They all had dinner... Kasturi talked to Teju n both made a decision. Teju; Suraj...?. Suraj turns n nod. Kasturi; Suraj beta please take her in ur room. Teju; the priest said u need to stay together n I won't forgive myself if something happens to her or u. Suraj was thinking the same but couldn't say it loud.

Chakor n Suraj were in his bedroom. Chakor was scared this time of Suraj. He is her love she knows it but she doesn't know him as a person he is a stranger. Suraj could sense her insecurity. Suraj took a pillow n a blanket n lied down on the couch. Chakor was happy n surprised.

The night was fine both could sleep n nothing weird happen to them. Suraj woke up with a heavy body... Suraj yawns n saw Chakor lying on his chest he was surprised how she came in the night n he didn't get to know of it.

Suraj carries her slowly back to the bed. He took a shower n watched her. Chakor was still sleeping n her beautiful face which become dark n sad turned to glow she had a smile on her face. Teju knocked on the door. Suraj; com'in. Teju n Kasturi comes n woke up Chakor the priest is here n he is not alone was all they said to her.

Chakor got ready but Suraj waited for her he said not to leave her alone n he always keeps his promise.

Sukor come down together the Priest was happy to see the bound between them. Chakor; Priest 😊. she went down n touched his feet to get his blessings. The Priest blessed her n Suraj.

Suraj saw the Priest wasn't alone someone else was with him. Suraj; who is he?. The Priest; this is my priest 😊 my mentor he knows abt u both I gave him ur horoscope to study. Suraj; u asked for a few days?. The Priest; indeed but he saw ur horoscope n was sure to meet u asap.

Chakor walked to the higher Priest n took his blessings too. The hi. Priest blessed her n saw Suraj. Who wasn't sure abt anything. (for no confusion the normal Priest will be called Pandit n the higher Priest will be called Priest I hope it's ok).

Suraj; well what u found out?. The Priest; u don't believe in all this right?. Suraj nod. The Priest; please sit. I will explain u everything n if possible try to believe it. Suraj took deep breath.

Chakor was lost in her thoughts she knew that in the night she woke up n the only secure place was with him she secretly walked to him n slept on his chest.

Pandit took Chakors hand. Chakor breakout if her trance. The priest called them all. He has decorated the couch table with horoscopes n candles.

The families were sitting around the table. Suraj; what's all this? Chakor; sshh. Suraj was irritated but stayed quiet. The Priest; u both r connected since ur previous life the Pandit told me how ur destiny changed ur lifes. Chakor u were abt to marry Vivaan... ur love. Chakor felt embaressed n Suraj felt hurt.

The Priest; but ur destiny was against it. The ring rolls to Suraj who just come back he didn't knew u nor he knew that his parents liked u much he just put the ring on ur finger instead of giving it back. Suraj; there was a bond I was in a trance... I couldn't stop myself. The Priest; do u wanted to stop?. Suraj shook his head. The Priest; bcz u r made to be together.

KN; but what was this at the Laal mansion?. Pandit; I told everything to the Priest he will tell u. The Priest took out something...

Sukor; taweez {talisman}. The Priest; put it on ur neck n it will save u from evil. Chakor took it n put it on. Suraj took it too but he hasn't put it on hus neck. Suraj; how will this protect me?. The Priest; u don't need protection. All were confused.

The Priest; I will tell u abt ur past...

U Suraj Rajvanshi a the reincarnation of Surya Rathor. Chakor Laal u r the reincarnation of Chakoriya Nawab.

Sukor juk....

The Priest made a face both were quiet.

Suraj ur love interest was Chakor but there was someone who loves u madly. The one couldn't tolerate it to see u with Chakor. Suraj ur wedding was fixed but on ur wedding day u left the castle as u never wanted to marry someone else than Chakor.

Suraj; wait how do u know this I mean from my horoscope? please. The Priest took out an old inscription. Here my son read it later byt listen to me. After u left the one who was waiting for ur arriving was killed by the one who wanted u to marry her. Chakor; lips shakes. I... was killed?. The Priest nod. The hatred filled soul never get peace u both took a reborn bcz ur love was incomplete. The Lord gave u another chance.

Suraj; but y u said my life is nit in danger?. The Priest; u took ur own life seeing her death body. Tge restless soul is not after u it is after Chakor. Suraj; y?. The Priest; suicide is a big crime but u sacrifice ur love. Seeing ur unconditional love u got another chance but there won't be one more. U have to wear the taweez to save her.

Suraj wear it on. Pandit; we have to tell u that ur wedding needs to take place on the 12th. Kasturi; 12th this is just in a few days... Teju; how we will manage this. The Priest; u just need them to get married there is no need of a big function but remember u can't delay or prefer. Suraj; it has to be the 12th?. Chakor; y?.

The Priest; bcz it is the day when u both were abt to marry but died.
To break the curse u have to follow the instruction. Read the inscription n u will understand. Chakor shake but Suraj hold her hand. Suraj; fine but with all rituals. Mummy aunty u r both experienced u can do that. Chakor will be a bride. The Priest; u r her shield like she is urs.... he whispers something in his ear. Suraj nod.

...Inscription sorry if it is not what u expected...

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