Sword - a soul

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Hi sorry 😐 hope u didn't forget the story?

Recap; SuKor n Victor r team up the dagger has become a sword in which Paakhi soul lies. The sowed has an inscription.

KN; what I did? I'm sorry!

Surya; no dad it's ok.. the three were looking at it... those unreadable phrases formed a lighting glow appears... they close their eyes n a small child appear...

A soul of her the one...

!I Paakhi give u another life to defeat the evil.
My soul is bounded to urs... if u die I die too!
The sword u held in ur hands contains my energy It will protect u but u have to stay strong be together never get separate. I won't be there forever...!

The soul vanished n the glow too...

But a last sentence was to hear... be ready the fight is coming just 2 days r left n ur wedding has to take place!

SuKor n Victor looked at each other... like before the other's never got to know abt the happenings around them.

Surya was trying to hide it but a tear escaped from the corner of his eyes... he was thinking of the young maiden the one who gave her life to save them. To unite them!

Chakoriya too was thinking of her... she the one she always loved n cared for. She had considered Paakhi as a family member. Often she slept in her bed listening to a story.

Victor; I know she meant a lot to u both but she is right. Just 2 days r left for ur wedding n has to take place at any cost! We can't lose her soul will never find the peace! Surya; Victor... I want u to take care of the sword.

Victor; me y? He asked shocked n confused at the same time he was happy n proud as he was accepted.

Surya; I think it is in gud hands. I trust U! Chakoriya; Haan Victor Surya is right even I think u should carry it. When we will having the marriage ceremony we might need help n if u.... she hesitates... But Victor understood.

Victor; I will protect U! This time she won't win! Victor took the sword n kept it with him.

They start with the decorations n the pre wedding rituals such as Haldi n Mehndi.

Chakoriya was sitting with her mother n mother in law together with them They has Ranjana there too.

KN was tensed like Bhuvaan n Manohar. The three decided to fight with the kids.

Surya n Victor were doing some sword trainings with each other. The priest of Chakors family finally arrived.

but he couldn't enter the house a big strong power was holding him away...

Ilima tried to possess the priest but he was wearing his talisman. A loud scream. Aaah!

Surya; who is this? Victor; I don't know but whoever it is needs help.

The both stepped out n saw the priest trying to fight but he was struggling. Ilima's soul was strong a hand wave of hers n the both hit the wall of the house with their backs.

Victor; Surya!!! My arm... Surya saw that he helps him on his feet's n took the sword from him.

Surya was holding the sword. He was scared as he knows the soul of Paakhi is in it. What would have happened if this Ilima didn't fooled n killed us?!.

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