Category Spiritual No. 142 ( 22/12/17)
No. 151 (11/12/17)
No. 198 (3/12/17)
Two different individuals met n he fall's in love with her but there is one problem. He met's her on her engagement day.
There is a past... a mystery to reveal...
It is inco...
Recap; The sword is containing Paakhi soul! Ilima appears in her true form a witch one day left for the wedding.
Chakoriya was attacked by Ilima.
Surya throw his shield to Chakoriya she caught it on time n could hold on Ilimas attack.
Victor attacks Ilima with his sword but he was pushed by a wind blow which comes from Ilimas other hand.
Ilima laughs devilishly muhahaha. Did u really think u can defeat me! I'm Ilima the master of black magic if I die today I will come again. I have put a spell on my body nothing can destroy me!
Surya stood up he went to Chakoriya n hold her tight!
His whole attention was on her. Chakoriya r u fine? She nods at him. He took his shield but in that moment Ilima send another blow on Sukor but this time the shield was thrown away!
Ilima; now u r unprotected! A thunder kind energy was coming from her hands... it was abt to hit Sukor but Victor come with his shield. All the three were staying together behind one shield which was protecting them.
Victor; Surya what is ur plan! Surya; I'm a fight not a thinker Chakoriya say do u have something? Chakoriya was thinking how to escape her attacks.
Chakoriya; we r three she has just 2 hands so she can only attack two of us one will be free. We have to get separated from each other!
Surya wasn't happy abt this idea but Chakoriya was right she can just attack two at once!
Victor who was holding the shield pushed the shield into the ground with his full power. He doesn't need to hold it anymore.
Surya stayed behind the shield Chakoriya went to the left side n Victor to the right side.
Ilima attacks both but Surya took a small dagger out of his shoe/sock n throw it on her.
But Ilimas power was immense she sensed it n alone with the eyes she made it to stop in front of her... the dagger fallen down like a lifeless thing.
Ilima focuses her energy of black magic on Surya the shield starts to melt... Surya was watching at it in shock n fear.
Surya - this kind of power!! I never imagine it! -.
Surya runs from there. She smirks she stretches her hands up to the air... clouds were were appearing black clouds a heavy rain fall on them she created a thunderstorm 🌩 ⛈.
Chakoriya tried to attack Ilima but all goes to vein. Like Victor he too fails.
Surya got a direct hit! If u can't be mine I won't let u become anyone's!
Surya hits with the wall of the house. He faints n his blood was bleeding...
Chakoriya; Surya!!! No!!!!
Victor; Chakoriya look out!!!
Ilima attacks Chakoriya but she could dodge the attack on the last moment.
Ilima turns with red eyes...
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