Category Spiritual No. 142 ( 22/12/17)
No. 151 (11/12/17)
No. 198 (3/12/17)
Two different individuals met n he fall's in love with her but there is one problem. He met's her on her engagement day.
There is a past... a mystery to reveal...
It is inco...
Recap; Victor n Sukor r now a team against Ilima. Victor had an assumption that the dagger could be the soul of Paakhi n he was right.
Surya looked at the bright light which was coming from the dagger all three were looking at it how it changed from that dagger...
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To a sword....
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Chakoriya was staring at it as it was a enemy. Victor couldn't keep his eyes open for long as the brightness of the holy light was blending him.
Surya took the hovering Sword in his hand n took it out of his sword sheath...
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Lighting was even brighter now even Surya couldn't handle it anymore but something was stopping him to put the sword back in his sheath.
Surya; Chakoriya Victor plz u need to help me. Victor; but how I can't see anything! Chakoriya; me too even I can't see. Surya; trust me n follow my voice. Surya was holding the sword in the air first Chakoriya reached him then Victor reached there. All the three were at the same spot.
Surya; please hold u hands up n put it on my hand. Both did as Surya requested them. The brightness filled the room n then vanished to back into the sword. They had released a small amount of the power of Paakhis soul.
All the three felt a warmth in their body. Surya opens his eyes. Guys look...
Victor n Chakoriya open their eyes slowly as they weren't sure of the light but as soon as they lifted an eyelid they saw the light gone.
Victor; oh gosh what we did? Where is the light gone? Surya; I don't know my eyes were closed. Chakoriya looked at both she was holding her hand on her chest. It is here. The two looked at her. Chakoriya touched both chest the left side where their hearts beats. Surya; u felt a warming inside u too? Victor; haan but what does it mean?. Surya; we have to figure out.
They looked at the sword there is something they r missing but it is indescribable for them as they have to figure out what that light was n y it went inside them?.
Chakoriya looked at them. Ok we won't find the the secret at staring on it. It is my old dagger maybe it is connected to me. Give it me. Surya nod n gave Chakoriya the sword. But nothing happens... Victor; hmm as I'm a new one to ur side maybe she has changed something which is connected with me after all she killed Ilima n revenge all our life's! May I. Chakoriya nod gave him the sword but also no change in it the light was gone... Chakoriya; maybe it is like the dagger n we three has to touch it? Surya smiles. That is a gud idea. Victor too nod. The three of them hold the dagger but no nothing changed...
The three were disappointed as nothing working. Their parents called them for breakfast.
Surya was holding the sword he had put it back in it's sheath. Teju; Surya what is this? Surya; Maa that is the dagger. Kasturi; what happen to is?? Chakoriya; it transformed into a sword. Ranjana; but how? Victor; that Paakhi it is connected to her soul... it is her soul.
KN; ok but y r u three looking devastated? Suraj; bcz we lost the light! Bhuvaan; light which light? Chakoriya; the sword light. Manohar; a sword light what is this?. Victor; we think the soul power of Paakhi she left for us.... the three were staring on their plates... no lust to eat.
The parents looked at them in sadness what was their crime or the crime of that little girl who sacrificed her life for them???. KN took the sword out of it sheath n looking at it. Surya; papa u have an idea??? KN; hmm I think I have something... he breathed warm air on the sword blade...
A sword was hovering again all were shocked but the three were happy.
Surya; dad!!! U r a genius. KN; am I? I would rather say I'm scared bunny...
Surya took the sword back in his hand n the three were standing together. Surya looked at them n they nod all the three breathed the warm air on the blade n it starts to reveal a new description....
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Some unreadable phrases appear on the blade....
... Hehe I'm back 😁 Hope U liked it. Please comment n vote