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Alex's POV - 12 Years Old - 7 Years ago...

He wouldn't stop... he kept bringing the whip down on my back. Mama was in the cell next to me, screaming, crying, begging for James to stop, while I was screaming every time the whip hit me. He kept doing this for what felt like years until he got bored.

In between one of James's hits, I looked up at the guards in front of me. That's when I noticed something.

Behind them, I see a man dressed in a suit instead of the fighting gear that the guards wear. He had dark red hair and eyes the color of burnt food - dark brown almost black. He looks like a demon and he almost looks as scary as James. On either side of him were two little boys about the same age as me that looked almost exactly like them but their eyes held fear while the man looked happy.

I only looked at them for a second before James hit me one last time. This time it went over my right shoulder and halfway on my chest. My back was used to the abuse but my chest wasn't so when the whip hit there I let out a blood-curdling scream.

I looked up at the boys as tears fell from my green eyes. But only for a second.

I curled into a ball as soon as I realized I wasn't hit again but he grabbed me by my hair and yanked me up. He pulled my hair until my eyes were at his eyes level, my feet no longer touching the ground. He had the same eyes like me, a bright green that went dark when we were mad. He smirked at my tear-streaked face, "Maybe next time you won't get an attitude with me. I am your father and you will treat me with respect. Next time. I'll do worse."

His smirk grows as my eyes widen in fear and I shake my head furiously even though it hurt so bad with him pulling on my hair. He nods at one of the guards and they open Mama's cell. They weren't gonna let her out, I figured that out a long time ago. He was gonna throw me in, instead.

Seconds later, I'm on the ground in front of Mama, groaning in pain. Mama rushes forward and puts me in her lap, my back towards the people. She put a hand behind my head and on my lower back where no fresh whip marks are and pulled me close.

I looked over my shoulder as I heard the unknown man speak and I watched him start walking away with the little boys, "Now you know what your punishment will be if you disappoint me." Then they were gone.

I bite my lip and bury my face into Mama's shoulder. I heard James talking to the guards about something rather loudly but not loud enough for me to understand. I look back over my shoulder to see him talking to the guards.

I'm about to bury my face again when I saw a familiar mop of brown hair. I kept my eyes on him until I saw him glance at me. I quickly face Mama again and hold onto her filthy dress tighter.

Soon all the guards and James left, except one. It's always the same guard who watches us. His name is Holden Jackson, the one with the familiar mop of brown hair.

He and Mama love each other and tonight we're running away, all three of us.

Holden slips a bowl full of warm water, a small soap bar, and a couple of cloths. We know that if he opens the door to the cell, it alarms the computer room on the second level.

Mama whispers a thank you and starts cleaning my wounds, her pale blonde hair falling around her beautiful face that showed nothing but love and exhaustion. Her blue eyes were dull but they held a sparkle whenever she was smiling.

After a couple of hours, everything is all cleared up and we're going through our escape plan one last time.

Soon all I see are blurs as I run beside Mama and Holden, Holden's shooting at anyone trying to stop us and Mama is doing the same. Me, I'm pushing anyone out of the way that Mama or Holden missed.

We're at the exit now when suddenly there's a gunshot. I look over and saw Holden on a knee, holding his left shoulder. I could tell it wasn't anything major but the pain had to hurt.

Holden's gun landed by my feet and I saw James aiming at Mama next. My eyes widen and I drop down to grab the gun as quickly as possible. Mama was distracted trying the help Holden up so I knew she didn't see that she was being aimed at.

I closed my eyes and pulled the trigger, aiming at James. I heard a scream and saw him holding his right ear.

I smirk but saw three guards behind him about to shoot us. Instincts take over next thing I saw was them all on the ground.. a bleeding hole in the middle of their foreheads.. my eyes tearing at the sight as I think 'They were just doing their jobs...'

I turn around quickly and make a motion, signaling for them to come on, "Come on! Before anyone else shows up!"

With that, we were out and running as if our lives depended on it - which it kinda does.

I smile as I run barefoot on the green grass. My dirty, tattered brown knee-length dress flapping behind me. Mama in the same situation. Holden holding both Mama and I's hand. His black pants and shirts flapping at the wind. He wore a smile, I knew he was happy that we were out. He may be able to leave but he stayed with us as much as he could. That's why I've decided to call him Dad instead of Holden from now on. He's earned it.

I stare forward as we start to reach the city. I grin, knowing I have a bright future with my family. And if it got dark, we'll break through just like we did today. Nothings gonna stop us and nothing gonna stop me from taking down James. I don't want anyone else to go through what Mama and I did. So when I'm old enough, The Hunters aren't gonna exist when I'm done with them.

This happened so long ago. So how can I still remember what those little boys look like?


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