"I Don't Care About Your Reputation!"

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As I walk down the street as casually as I could without looking at people suspiciously. I've been attacked and ambushed plenty of times on my first day in towns. It absolutely stinks. And people wonder why I have trust issues.

I never know when I could be in danger and that's an issue I don't like: The unknown. That's what's wrong with the world, too much unknown. We should just discover everything and get over it. Anything else unknown gets blown up. Then again that's just me. Mama sometimes worries about me because I think such thoughts.

I chuckle as these thoughts cross my mind and give my head a gentle shake and study my surroundings more.

I realized that I had been so focused on my own thoughts, that I didn't notice that I'm now in a park surrounded by people.

There weren't actually that many people, maybe about seven kids and three moms and one dad or so I'm guessing.

I smile at the kids' innocence as they run around screaming with joy and excitement. How I wish I had those memories as a child. But you don't always get what you want, right?

I sit on the bench, leaning back comfortably, and look up to the sky, thinking. I start thinking about random things like when will we have to move again, how much longer will we have to run away from him, will I make any friends here, will he find us again, what will he do if he finds us, will I fall aga-

"Hey, it's Kitten! What are you doing out here by yourself?" Damon Jefferson. Shit.

I look down from the sky only to be met by the guys from yesterday. In the same order, as I last saw them, Dave, Jack, Damon, Andrew, and finally, Parker.

I raise a brow at them, "What are you guys? Soldiers?" The three in the middle had clear confusion in their expressions while the other two had it showing in their eyes. I roll my eyes, "Idiots. I mean, you guys are in the same order as before. Dave, Jack, Dumbass, Andrew, and then Parker. Do you guys have a system or something?"

Damon glares at me, "What's with the name? I thought we were getting along great."

I chuckle lowly and close my eyes, "I guess we were before you guys suddenly disappeared. And I don't know about you, but I don't like starting a conversation with someone only for them to disappear. That really ticks me off because it shows you don't respect them." I open my eyes and glare at them, "And I don't like being disrespected."

I stand up and walk past them, "See you later boys." I wave my hand at them without looking.

A hand suddenly grabs my wrist after I take a couple of steps.

"What's the rush? We just got here. And if you want, we can stay and talk to you as much as you want," Andrew says in a seductive tone. His voice got deeper than it was yesterday and I could just hear the smirk on his face.

But his voice didn't register in my mind. All I could sense was the fact I was being held in a similar position he used to hold me in when I tried to run away. On instinct, I turn around quickly, my hand grabs his arm that's holding my wrist, and dig my nails in.

He narrows his eyes at me and I slowly remove my nails as I realize what I'm doing, "Sorry.." I look away as he releases my hand, "You just caught me off guard..."

I glance at Andrew's wrist and see indents from my nails. I bite my bottom lip slightly and look away.

The boys walk closer to me as I was trying to avoid eye contact. Why did I have to do that? Usually, when a guy acts like that towards a girl they turn around innocently with a blush!  And I just had to attack him in defense! Great job, Alex!

"You have good instincts there, Alex."

My eyes widen slightly as I hear Jack compliment me. I feel my heartbeat speed up. What the hell is wrong with me lately?! I need to put my cover back up and soon! If I keep at this then they'll find out who I really am. I need to keep my emotions and actions in check. Come on, Alex, woman up!

I look back at the boys with a smirk, "Well what did you expect me to do? I'm not some girl who's going to let just any guy touch whenever they feel like it." My voice was smooth but my tone held an edge to it, a warning.

Damon steps closer to me so that there's only a foot of space between us. His dark brown eyes almost seemed red from this distance.

Why am I paying attention to his eye color right now?!

I keep a smirk on, knowing my personality changes have caught their attention, and put a hand on my hip, "You know, I'm starting to think you can't keep away from me, Jefferson."

He smirks and leans towards me a bit, "And why would you think that, Kitten?"

I narrow my eyes a bit and place my left hand on his shoulder, "Because you can't seem to stay out of my personal space!" I push him backwards but his feet don't move while his shoulder goes back a bit.

He looks over his shoulder and at his group, a smirk placed broadly on his face, and leans back towards me, in the same position he was before, "You know. Girls don't usually take notice of my personal space so why can't I do the same to you?"

I roll my eyes, "Do I seem like other girls to you? I don't recall invading your space, you're always the first to do that to me. I just don't back down."

Damon takes a step forward and now our chests barely touch. He smirks as he towers over me, "You're right. You're not like normal girls. But that just makes me want to get to know you better. You know I've been looking for a new girl to g-"

I swing my fist as fast and hard as I could. I hit him with as much force as I could muster. My cheeks were tinted pink and my hands were in stiff fists at my sides as my breath became heavy with anger. I do not tolerate being treated in that way, it doesn't matter who you are.

"DON'T YOU EVEN DARE TALK LIKE THAT TO ME AGAIN! DO YOU HEAR ME?! I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR REPUTATION, NEVER HAVE, NEVER WILL!" I yelled at him. I couldn't hold it back. I didn't have to hear the rest of his sentence to know he was going to say something about getting dirty. He needed a new hoe and there was no way I was going to be her.

Damon stumbled back a few steps, most likely from the shock of the hit and maybe because of how much force I put behind it.

That's when I noticed it. The entire park had gone quiet.

The kids weren't playing anymore as their parents tried to get them out of the park as fast and quietly as possible. The birds weren't chirping anymore and the dogs had stopped barking. A cloud had slowly made its way over and now blocked the sun almost completely, leaving the park feeling as though its temperature had dropped a couple of degrees.

I bite my lip to stop myself from yelling anymore. I can't believe what I just did. I just yelled at someone I was supposed to avoid! I wasn't supposed to even be near him! If he tells James about me being in town, we'd have to move again and if we move twice in less than a month, we could get on his radar again.

Shit, what did I just get myself into?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2020 ⏰

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