Chapter 3. Their cry

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- Stop your battalion and don't follow the escapees, Delia!

- But why?

- Obey the order. It's a trap, they are not escaping – they are leading you to their positions.

- Sir, I'm not so easy to fool.

    The figure in the black cloak gives a strange look at her. This look consists of cold knowledge of something, as if he knows something about her, that she would never guess about herself. But she calms her ambitions down and orders the battalion to stop moving.

    Delia is a young, very smart woman. But her ambitious tendencies make her very harsh and a way too much sure in herself. That woman, once dreaming to become a police officer, has always shown great talent in predicting roots of actions and looking carefully and closely at things. Before she entered the police school, the Führer found her and offered her place in his movement. At that moment, there were only one hundred people under his command, but it didn't disappoint her and she became one of his most important helpers.

    But why has she ever joined the Nazi movement? What is her matter for this?

    The first soldiers and commanders were totally different people to the newcomers. They are more than Nazis themselves, because they all have some background story. Everyone – their own one.

    One of the battalions is walking around the city's streets, conquering shops and houses, leading people out of houses and shooting everyone down who is resisting their attack. The swastika banners go down from the roofs of shops, roofs of houses get giant Swastika flags. Some houses just get surrounded and people are not touched. Every caught person is waiting for something. People, caught in groups, get orders from special people with purple bands and with a karuna on them, who come right from the Führer and give special orders about them, usually it's orders to set them free and give money, or to send them to somewhere, and sometimes – to shoot them down.

    While the central positions are protected by the defense ring of Nazi soldiers, the others can make preparations and place field hospitals and change the buildings' equipment, usually to stocks or field kitchens or on the roofs – shooting positions.

    Delia is an assault commander. Her soldiers are slowly moving forward, as far as support groups place snipers and light artillery support, such as mortars or light howitzers.

    The whole city looks like a giant bloody mess, even if the loses are relatively small. All day, Nazis' lose 20 people, prisoned citizens – 40, and counter-attack groups – 70 people. The city is also relatively empty now, because road traffic is paralyzed and only few people, the ones who haven't gone away because they considered the Führer's notifications as a joke, are left. The local army forces are trying to protect the city, but they can't give Nazis any strong resistance.

    Contrary, the fights are hard, and Nazis get many troubles. And right now, Delia has received a distress message from one of the assault groups in one of the streets nearby. It is a scout group which got surrounded. She takes 2 dozens of soldiers and moves to them...

    The surrounded Nazis are trying to defend. There is 5 of them, 1 is badly injured. The others stand behind the walls and try to fight back, bylooking out and shooting in any moving objects to not let countergroups get them or come any closer before the support comes.

- Wait just a little bit more, the support is going to be here! - one of the defenders says to the injured comrade.

    The soldier is lying down, breathing really heavily and keeping his injured stomach on its lower part. Strange thoughts come up in his mind. He remembers his childhood. He remembers lots of terrible things. He remembers his parents' divorce, remembers how his sister chose his mother, and he was doomed to go to his dad, how dad drunk and beat him for the first time, and how he then escaped the house. Remembers how he tried to study hard to get to a better university, but then abandoned this idea because he simply couldn't pay. Remembers how he got a girlfriend and she abandoned them later, though very tried to help him, and supported him, and shared all the burdens of life, but he simply couldn't find any job. It seemed like he was damned, but he simply couldn't find anything better than cleaning cars or selling things. He remembers how everyone mocked him, how classmates who already had grandkids, pointed their fingers on him, calling him "an example of a loser". And now he stands up. Crying, he moves to the door space, and goes away. The sounds he makes seem like mix of sobbing and yell.

The Ascension and the Punishment: Legend of Oblivioner. | #wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now