Chapter Two

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"What?" Cole demanded immediately, his attention only on his father. 

"Your mother and I are getting divorced, and I'll need your help moving into my new house tomorrow".

The man didn't meet his eyes, only continued to stare ahead at the black television screen, so Cole turned to his mother insisted. "Mom, it's not true, right?"

It couldn't be true. Yes, Cole knew that his parents were having problems, but he figured everyone's parents had problems, and they just needed to work through them.

"It is true," his mother said silently. "Things haven't been working out between your father and I, and it's not healthy for us to remain in this relationship any longer". Collier's lips parted in shock. "You don't have to like it, Cole, but you have to accept it. We'll be helping your father move out tomorrow, for good".

Cole didn't know what to say, so he remained quiet until he regained his composure. Still, when he did speak, his voice was thick with sadness. "What do you mean we're moving him out tomorrow?"

"I bought a house a few blocks over that went for sale over the summer-" his dad began to explain but Collier cut him off.

"I mean, why are we moving just him tomorrow?" Cole turned to his father as understanding shown on his face. "Why aren't I moving with you?"

"Cole-" his mom began, but he wasn't listening. He stood from the couch and pushed himself over the back of it, his full intentions to go upstairs to his room and begin packing. Cole wished that his parents had told him sooner, or his father had been moving out later to give him more time, but he could work with this. It was only three o'clock, and if he stayed up late that night he could probably get everything he wanted to bring-

A hand clamped around his wrist, keeping him in the room. He looked down at the hand, and then up at his father's face. "Dad, I need to go pack-"

"You're not going with him, Collier," his mother cut in, her voice very firm. Cole's eyes never left his father's face, even as the man looked away from him. "Your father and I talked and we figured that it'd be better for you to stay here with me".

Betrayal. That's what he felt.

Tearing his wrist from his father's grasp, he seethed. "What the fuck do you mean I'm staying here?!" While his mother looked absolutely outraged, his father looked on the verge of tears, his face turned away from him, but his hand still outstretched towards himself. "Dad?!"

The man in question just looked at his wife, soon to be ex-wife, for a moment before shaking his head, having no words to say. With a sigh, his mother opened her mouth to speak for him, Collier wasn't having it. He would hear from his father, or no one. "Cole-"

"I can't believe this!" he yelled at them, and his father winced at either the volume of his voice, or the pain in it. "How could you do this to me? How could you not tell me? How could you make me stay here?!"

Childish, he stomped his foot on the hardwood flooring before spinning on his heel and running back up stairs, taking them two at a time.

"Collier!" His mom called after him, but he didn't stop until he was in his room, slamming his door shut behind him.

He couldn't believe it. His parents were getting divorced and he was going to have to stay with his mother. It wasn't fair. Why couldn't he had a say in what happens to him? It was his life.

Letting out a cry of frustration, he threw himself onto his covers, tangling his hands in his hair and pulling on it.

And then, for the first time in what felt like forever, Collier cried. Not just a few tears, he had done that just two days ago as he said goodbye to his aunt, but really cried. Sobbed. Uncontrollably. 

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