Chapter Ten

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Cole wasn't really sure how long it had taken him to get to Henry's, but by the time he was stopping in front of the beautiful home with the green siding, it was getting dark.

The sun was setting behind the house, make it seem like something out of a fairytale, and Collier kind of wanted to take a picture of it to paint later. While at first he thought this was weird, his mind went to the drawing of Henry's face that he still had lying on his floor, and decided that drawing his house would be a lot less creepy than drawing him, so he took his phone out and took the picture.

Then, Collier looked through his contacts for Henry's phone number to let him know he was there, and realized that he didn't have it yet.

It would be easy to go right up and knock on the front door, but Cole was afraid that one of Henry's parents would answer. He wasn't afraid of them, not really, but he wasn't really good at making new people like him (why it mattered to him that Henry's parents liked him, he wasn't sure). Since embarrassing himself wasn't something he felt like doing right then, he walked around the house, ducking so he wasn't seen in windows, until he got to the back of the house.

Collier could clearly remember the small windows that Henry had in his room, high up on his walls so they were right above ground level, and he found one of them, hidden behind one of the folding chairs on the brick patio. A quietly as he could, Collier moved the chair out of the way and then dropped down onto his hands and knees before the glass.

In his head, he tried to convince himself that this wasn't creepy as he peered through the window into Henry's bedroom. All the lights were on, and he could clearly see Henry sitting in his bed on the right side the room, his legs folded under him as he leaned over them to read the book that was on his lap.

Not really thinking about what he was doing, Collier pounded on the glass for a moment before freezing.

He watches lots of horror movies. He's going to think I'm a sociopath, Cole thought, but before he could even get up and run away in embarrassment, Henry's head turned to the side and his dark blue eyes met his through the glass.

Cole raised his hand a little and waved, but Henry's eyes only narrowed as he climbed from his bed and crossed the room to get to the window. The window wasn't up too high, so when Henry stood right against the wall before the window they were at eye level.

Cole made a gesture for him to open the window this his hand, and Henry slowly did. "What do you want?"

"Your phone number," Cole said and Henry's eyes widened. "Then I wouldn't need to climb through your window like a fool. Move back".

Henry obeyed, stepping back a few paces, but his expression remained accusing. "You could have knocked on the front door like a normal human being".

"I don't-" Cole grunted as he began going through the small space head first. Henry's eyebrows raised, "I didn't want you parents to answer or anything".

"They're not here," Henry said, eyeing Cole weirdly as he slowly wiggled himself through the window. "They flew to California for some... convention".

"What does that mean?" Cole asked and Henry just narrowed his eyes. He was halfway through the window at the moment and then realized his mistake. "I didn't think this through". He should have gone feet first, for now he was just hanging there.

"You really didn't," Henry observed before sighing and raising his arms. He grabbed Collier's arms and hauled him through the window quickly, but dropped him the second he was in, causing Cole to tumble to the ground.

"You know," Cole said, scrambling to his feet and wiping himself off, "it's really weird that you have a basement. We're in Florida. No one has basements".

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