Chapter Thirty One

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On Friday night, Collier wasn't nervous as he climbed into Henry's car. He had time to be preparing for this night for days now, ever since Tuesday at lunch when him and Henry had officially scheduled their date, but even with the building anticipation, Collier wasn't nervous.

It was probably because he hadn't allowed himself to think about the night much, hadn't allowed himself to get excited.

You only got excited for real dates, and as far as Cole was concerned, this was not a real date.

He had thought about it, only for a little bit though, and officially decided that because him and Henry were never going to be anything, their date was simply going be two friends spending time outside of school together.

And one of them was planning on confessing his love to the other.

Because friends totally did that.

Collier sighed as he buckled his seatbelt, trying to clear his mind of all these thoughts. For now. They both knew that they would have to talk about all of this tonight, but Collier had asked Henry at lunch two days before if they could possibly wait until the end of the date to talk about everything since he didn't want to ruin everything and make it awkward at the beginning.

This seemed to have perplexed Henry because his mouth opened and closed multiple times before he settled with "what the hell do you think I'm going to say to you".

Collier hadn't responded to that because he wasn't worried about what Henry was going to say, but what he was going to say.

For his sake, Henry simply agreed to the idea, which was another reason why Cole was so relaxed about this night.

"So what are we doing tonight?" Cole asked, allowing his mind to wander for just a second. He thought of their last date- the ocean and the sky- and then pushed these thoughts back.

His plan was to tell Henry that he loved him to get it off chest, and then focus all his attentions on getting over Henry, and it wouldn't help to reminisce on all the times Henry had treated him as if he was his boyfriend.

"Well," Henry said, putting his car into drive, "I recently had my collection of nineteen eighties slasher films returned to me. I know you like those so I figured we could watch some of them". Henry paused, his white teeth sinking into his full lower lip. "If that's alright with you".

Cole nodded. "That sounds perfect". Too perfect. Collier feared that by the end of the night, when he told Henry he loved him, he would mean it even more than if he had told him that morning. "Um, what do you mean they were returned to you. Who had them?"

Henry grimaced. "Jordan Sullivan". Before Collier could ask why, Henry was telling him. "About a year ago, Jordan caught me... well, let's just say I was forced to bribe Jordan to keep quiet about something, and all he wanted was to borrow my movies to have an excuse to cuddle with Carter, and then on Sunday, I was invited over to the apartment by Xander because apparently Jordan drove back to see Carter and Xander caught them having sex on the couch while one was on".

"How did that get them in the mood?" Cole asked, unable to keep the amusement from his voice. Henry shrugged.

"They're always like that".

"Romantic," Collier said sarcastically and Henry shot him a look out of the corner of his eye. "So, what movies are we going to be watching?"

The question seemed to relieve Henry in some way fore his shoulders relaxed and his lips turned up.


"That was awful," Collier groaned, pressing his face into his hands and rubbing at his eyes, trying to wipe away the horrific images now etched into the back of his eyelids.

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