Chapter Thirty

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By the time Emerson dropped him off at The Book Stop, Collier actually felt a little guilty. He had spent the entire day thinking about why Henry was avoiding him.

At first, he was a bit upset, under the impression that Henry had just fucked him and now no longer wanted anything to do with him, but the Collier realized that there was no way that could be true.

It wasn't like Henry had ever pressured him into sex. Quite the opposite, actually. Thinking back to Saturday, Collier realized that he had actually peer pressured Henry into fucking him, and it was yet another prime example of how terribly he had treated the blue eyed boy.

Throughout their entire relationship, Henry had made it clear where he stood. They weren't ever going to be anything, and even if Henry sometimes acted in ways that mislead Collier, it was Cole who pushed Henry to do things he didn't want. He had tried to push Henry into a relationship that he clearly didn't want to be in.

If their positions were reversed, Cole was sure that he would be absolutely livid.

"You okay?" Sarah called from the passenger seat of Emerson's car, leaning out the window to reach for Collier's hand, which he gave to her. "What's wrong, hun?"

"I've been a terrible person," Collier said. "That's what's wrong".

Sarah sighed and gently tugged on his hand, pulling him back a bit. He turned to face her completely. "Collier, you could never be a terrible person. Even if you tried".

"But I haven't been very considerate," Cole said. It was hard to explain what was wrong without leaking any information about all him and Henry had done together.

"That doesn't make you a terrible person. Henry likes you, I know he does. I guess go in there and apologize for whatever it it's that you've done wrong, I'm sure he'll forgive you". Even though Sarah really didn't know what she was talking about, it still made Collier feel a bit better.

He squeezed her hand. "Thank you".

"No problem, babe. Now go inside and fix whatever it is you fucked up. I really don't want lunch to become awkward," She said and Emerson laughed softly from the driver's side. Cole rolled his eyes at her.

"And here I was thinking that you actually care?"

Sarah snorted. "No, of course not". They grinned at one another for a moment before Collier turned his back to her and entered The Book Stop before he could talk himself out of it.

Of course, the second he was inside he realized how stupid of an idea this was and turned around to leave, but Emerson's car had already pulled away from the curb.

Collier considered his options. He could either embarrass himself in front of Henry for what had to be the thousandth time, or he could walk home.

It took only a second for Cole to decide. Talking to Henry was important and needed to be done as soon as possible or he would go insane.

There was one shelf between himself and the front counter, and he slowly walked around it, taking his time to prepare himself.

But seemingly nothing could prepare him for the sight of a disheveled Henry Stone leaning against the desk next to the register, a book held out open before him, his dark blue eyes scanning the pages.

Henry didn't notice him at first, so Collier allowed himself a few more seconds to study him. At school, Henry never really looked relaxed. How could he? Everyone was always watching him. He was Henry Stone.

But here, in this book store, he looked at perfect ease, his expression very soft and his posture slumped. He wasn't the typical, unapproachable Henry Stone that he usually was in public, but simply a content boy.

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