Chapter Fourteen

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"Do you want to go out to lunch?" Jake had asked him that morning in painting, his cheeks flushed and eyes downcast. "I mean for lunch. We have the same period, right? Wanna go out to eat today?"

It wasn't like Jake had been asking him on a date, but still, something was implied in the request, and Collier just wasn't ready to agree to it. Besides, he kind of wanted to sit by Henry for lunch. They always talked about things that actually interested him; art, anime, or horror movies.

Collier had declined Jake's offer, though he had agreed that he would go to eat with him some other day.

And that's how he ended up sitting next to Henry at lunch, the table empty except for the two of them since Sarah and Emerson seemed to have the same idea as Jake and left to go get food.

"Just you today?" Cole asked, dropping his backpack onto the floor and sinking into his regular seat to Henry's left. The blue eyed boy grumbled something, looking up at him from his book for a second before dropping his eyes back down.

"They're at your house fucking," Henry claimed and Collier grimaced at this.

"Not something I wanted to picture right before I eat lunch, but thanks," Cole said, making a move to rise from his seat. Henry's eyes snapped up to him in alarm.

"You're going to leave me alone?" He asked, his voice guarded and Cole grinned at him.

"Are you scared?" He taunted and Henry just scoffed. "I'll be back in a minute. I'm just going to get food since Sarah's not here to get it for me".

Henry said nothing then, his attention moving completely back to his book as Collier shrugged and walked away.

He hadn't stood in the lunch line since last year, so Cole felt a bit uncomfortable doing so, especially since all he ended up taking were french fries, a bottle of water, and cut pieces of cucumber.

"That's all you're eating?" Henry demanded when he returned to the table and Collier looked over his food once more.

"Oh no," he assured, gesturing his hand to all of his food. "Most of this is bound to end up on the floor".

Henry looked annoyed with him. "This is why you're so fucking small".

"I am not small," Collier snapped, annoyed and Henry's eyebrows snapped up at his hard tone.

"You don't scare me, little flower," Henry said, amused and Collier just scowled, picking up his water and opening the cap.

"Whatever". Angrily, he ripped the plastic off of his silverware and throwing it down onto the table before stabbing a cucumber with his fork. Henry was still looking at him from over his book, his eyes very blue and Collier just glared back at him. "What?"

"Do you like marshmallows?" Henry asked suddenly, and Collier almost laughed at him. It was unusual to see someone say marshmallow with a completely serious face in a bored tone.

"Do I like marshmallows?" Cole repeated, and Henry deadpanned, which was impressive since he hadn't been making much of an expression beforehand.

"That's what I just said".

"I know it is". Cole spoke slowly. "Why would you ask me such a stupid question?"

"Well-" Henry was interrupted by the clatter that was Collier's tray hitting the ground a second after he had shifted in his chair. They both looked down at the spilled food. "Collie-"

"Well I told you," Cole claimed with a shrug, leaning down at picking up his tray but leaving the fallen food on the floor. "Yes, I like marshmallows. Why do you ask?"

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