Chapter 1: A Single Letter

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November, 1880
Paris, France

Erik's POV

I sat alone in the manager's office, the golden wedding band I wore on my finger shining in the light of the lamp that sat on my desk as I worked.

I still can't believe that it would soon be ten years since Evangeline and I said our vows. Ten beautiful, wonderful years that had only gotten better with the arrival of our twins, who are about to turn nine now. And I also cannot believe how much I was blessed even before I was married.

I became the manager and owner of the Opera Garnier, I didn't really have to worry about having my mask on all of the time. In fact, there have been days where there would be rehearsal and I would accidentally show up without my mask on! They would just look at me, smile, and then carry on with their duties.

As I reminisced on how much God had blessed me, I suddenly felt two hands cover my eyes.

"Guess who?" A sweet, feminine voiced giggled, the delicous fragrance of her perfume assaulting my deformed nose.

"Hmm. Let me guess. Does she have dark brown skin and chocolate brown eyes?"


"Is she the mother of my children?"


"Is she the most beautiful woman on this earth?"

"To you, then yes."

"Is she my beautiful wife, Evangeline?"

"You guessed right!" She cheered as she uncovered my eyes.

I stood up and peered down at my beloved, my 6'7 height towering over her 5'6 height. She had her hair up in a high bun and wore a light green dress with golden embroidery and a red undershirt (A/N: dress is above). She looked so beautiful that I couldn't help but to hold her close to me and begin to ravish her face, lips, and neck with kisses. But before things were getting heated, a knock resonated from the other side of my door.

"Excuse-moi? There is a message for a Monsieur Destler."

Groaning in discontent, I reluctantly let go of my Angel and opened the door to reveal a skinny, young lad dressed in a small coat with a bag slung over his shoulder and an envelope in his hand.

"Bonjour, are you Erik Destler?" The child asked as I watched as he slightly shivered, possibly thinking of the cold weather that he would soon have to face again.

"Oui, this is he."

He handed me the envelope and turned to leave.

"Boy, wait." I stopped him. When he turned around, I handed him a few francs. He stared up at me in shock.

"Buy youself a new coat and something warm to eat. It's getting chilly out there."

He stood still for a second or so before he ran off, possibly afraid that if he didn't make himself scarce, I would make him give me my money back. Before I had the chance to close the door,  I heard Evangeline walk over to me.

"That was a very sweet thing you did, Erik." She said as she took off my mask to kiss my cheek.

"I was just like him once, but instead of anyone helping me, the people around me just added to the pain. I am just glad that I was able to give another child the hope that I never had."

With that, my attention was drawn to the envelope in my hand as my wife began to head out the door.

"Babe, I'm going out. The work day's over and I'm going to pick up the kids from school."

"Hurry back, mon amore." I replied, kissing her lips.

"I will."

At that, she left the office, leaving me all alone and already missing her. Taking my time, I searched the envelope for a name and a return address. But as I searched the top left-hand corner of the piece of parchment, I felt my blood freeze in my veins as I read a familiar name.

"Madeleine Destler."

Immediately, I rushed to open the packaging, freeing the letter inside.

Dear Erik,

I suppose that you never expected a letter from me after all these years and I don't expect you to find this welcoming, but this is very important and must be said face to face.
As you might be aware of, I am not as young as I used to be and I fear that if I don't tell you this now, then I might not have any time left. Should you choose to accept, then you have my address for us to meet face to face.

I hope you would consider and come to visit.


I felt myself shake as I read her words. All of my hurt, all of my pain had ultimately came from this woman. The same woman who had wished me dead, the same woman who had caused years of abuse! And now she wants to talk with me as if nothing was wrong!

Calm down, son.  A Voice whispered as I felt my anger begin to rise. 

"For the first four years of my life, she has hated me and wished that I would die. And now she wants me to visit her!" 

I know what she has done. But you should go visit her anyway.

"But why?!"

You must find closure. You are still hurt and visiting her will help get rid of it.

"Visiting the woman who caused me pain? How will that help me?"

The Voice didn't answer. The only sound that was heard came from the grandfather clock that sat beside the bookshelf with important documents and such.  My mind still befuddled in a mixture of anger and shock, I opened one of the secret entrances to my lair and went home, cooking dinner and waiting for my wife and children to come home.

A/N: Hello my fellow Phantom Phans! 😁

Thank you guys so much for the 179 views, 35 votes and all of your comments so far.

You guys are amazing!😊

So, it seems that a certain someone wants her son to visit.

What will Erik decide?

Will he go back?

If anyone is still interested in participating in the #TPARFanart competition, then here are the rules and regulations:

1. This contest is open to everyone.

2. You can post any type of artwork you like (such as silhouettes, character headshots, scenes from the story, character ships, etc), so long as it is NOT inappropriate. So, no highly sensitive content or anything that might seem pornographic.

3. All entries should be sent to me via Twitter (, via Facebook( or via Wattpad PM's all under the hashtag #TPARFanArt

4. You are allowed to post the minimum of one to the maximum of 5 pieces of artwork to either Wattpad, Facebook or Twitter, but not to all three.

5. All entries should be in by December 25th in which there will be a poll to determine who will be part of the Top Three Best Artists.

6. I will announce the Top Three on the 30th and the overall Winner will be announced on the 1st of January.


8. The Top Three will be given a special shoutout, have their artwork posted on Facebook, Twitter, and Wattpad, and the overall Winner will have one of their artworks displayed as this book's cover art.

9. Violation to any of the set rules above(i.e: sending inappropriate artwork, posting more than five entries, suspected plagiarism) shall result in IMMEDIATE DISQUALIFICATION.

Vote, Comment, and Share and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

M'kay, bye!!!! 💗

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