Chapter 4: A Family Reunion

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Erik's POV

I stared at the house for a minute or so, reconsidering what I was about to do. Never in a million years had I thought that I would one day return to this place. When I ran away, I ran away in the hopes of never stepping foot here again.

But apparently, Jesus had other plans for me.

As my family stepped out from the carriage, I felt my hand being placed into a smaller one. Turning to my side, I caught a glimpse of Evangeline as she gave me a small smile of comfort. I gently squeezed her hand as I raised my own in order to knock on the door.

Are you sure you want to go through with this?  My conscious spoke in a small voice, making my body freeze in response.

My fist hovered over the large piece of wood as my mind recalled all of the pain that I endured at such a tender age. The screams, the slaps, the hatred. Everything came back to me all at once and all I wanted to do was run away. To take my family, get back inside the carriage, and to ride as fast as the wind until we returned home and never see this wretched place again. 

"I-I can't do it!" I exclaimed, collapsing on the cold, hard ground. The beating of my heart pulsed faster and faster with each second I stood by the hellhouse. 

"Shh. Yes you can, baby." Evangeline soothed as she gathered me into her arms and rocked me back and forth. 

"It hurts! It hurts so much!"

"I know, honey. I know. But you must get through this, otherwise, she would still have some sort of power over you."

The twins, quite startled by my sudden outburst, stooped down and wrapped their tiny arms around my thin frame in their attempt to comfort me. 

"What's the matter, daddy?" Osmand asked, his pouty lips ( a trait both children inherited from their mother) quivering in shared empathy for me.

"Daddy's just scared, that's all." I sighed as I tried to get up. The twins held me down, their tiny bodies enveloping me in a warm embrace.

"Why, daddy?" Octavia questioned, her honey-colored eyes shining with concern.

"Well, sweetie, it's not a happy story. In fact, it's a very, very sad story to tell and it has to do with the lady that owns this house." I tried to explain to them. 

"But daddy, you're never scared of anything!"

My eyes met the eyes of my children as they sat in silence, waiting for me to speak. 

"Grown-ups get scared all the time. We may not show it a lot, but we still get scared. Especially if something were to happen to their family." 

After a few minutes, I was finally able to get back up again after the children finished trying to comfort me and I faced the door once more, my wife's hand firmly grasping my right hand and our children clutching onto the hem of my coat on my left side. With my family around me, I mustered enough courage to lift up my fist once more and do what I thought was impossible.

I knocked on the door and waited for my mother to answer. 

At first, there was no sign that anyone was home. Silence was all that was heard both around and inside the building. Not a sound was heard. The house sat upon a hill, devoid of any close neighbors and, now, devoid of any life. Not even a raven cawed or circled overhead. 

Thinking that she wasn't going to open the door, I prepared to take everyone and leave. 

"Come on, everyone. She isn't here." I said as I began to breathe a sigh of relief to myself. I was sure that I wouldn't have to confront that woman. I was positive that my wife wouldn't have to be bailed out of prison after ceremoniously beating her to a pulp. I felt secure in the knowledge that my children wouldn't have to be exposed to such evil. 

Imagine my surprise and terror when I heard the sound of the lock click open and the hinges to the door give a loud creak, just as if the door was the portal to my own personal hell, as the person behind it stepped outside to meet us. 

  "Erik? Is it really you?"

There she stood, her once long, curly, jet black hair now a very light gray and in a bun in the back of her head. Her slim figure was slightly plumper than when I last remember and some places were sagging. Her once flawless skin was now home to wrinkles, blemishes, and craters. 

With a big gulp of air, I replied to the one woman that I had hated for years. 

"Hello, mother."

A/N: Hello my fellow Phantom Phans! How was your holiday?

Thank you all SO much for the 1.1k views and the 139 votes! 

You guys are such blessings. ❤ 

So, Erik has now seen his mother face to face. 

What will he say?

Will he be silent?

Will they even stay for another moment? 

If anyone is still interested in participating in the #TPARFanart competition, then I have changed the deadline from Christmas to New Year's. Here are the rules and regulations: 

1. This contest is open to everyone.

2. You can post any type of artwork you like (such as silhouettes, character headshots, scenes from the story, character ships, etc), so long as it is NOT inappropriate. So, no highly sensitive content or anything that might seem pornographic.

3. All entries should be sent to me via Twitter (, via Facebook( or via Wattpad PM's all under the hashtag #TPARFanArt

4. You are allowed to post the minimum of one to the maximum of 5 pieces of artwork to either Wattpad, Facebook or Twitter, but not to all three.

5. All entries should be in by January 1st in which there will be a poll to determine who will be part of the Top Three Best Artists.

6. I will announce the Top Three on the 2nd and the overall Winner will be announced on the 15th of January (MLK Day).


8. The Top Three will be given a special shoutout, have their artwork posted on Facebook, Twitter, and Wattpad, and the overall Winner will have one of their artworks displayed as this book's cover art.

9. Violation to any of the set rules above(i.e: sending inappropriate artwork, posting more than five entries, suspected plagiarism) shall result in IMMEDIATE DISQUALIFICATION.

Vote, Comment, and Share and I'll see y'all next time!

M'kay, bye!!!! 😋 

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