Chapter 19: Do It For Them

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Evangeline's POV

I fought for what seemed to be hours until I was finally too weak to continue as they dragged me away from my husband and kids and into a dark, dimly-lit tent filled with frightened, young women dressed in scant clothing. The girls were from many different races and shapes, with one even being pale white and having freckles and red, curly hair. Without warning, I was shoved inside and the tent flap was closed.

Awkward silence filled the tent as no one said a word for a while. Then, an older lady with tan skin and soft emerald eyes spoke.

"Ah, welcome, my dear. I take it that you have been taken like many of us here. My name is Kezia and I watch over the dancing girls in the camp."

"Dancing girls?" I exclaimed, "I ain't dancing for nobody. I just want my husband and my kids!"

"You are a mother?"
"Yeah! I'm also two months pregnant!"

All of a sudden, the rest of the young women shushed me.

"You mustn't say that out loud for Javert to hear. Not if you value you or that child's hide." The red-headed girl said, her Irish accent barely audible in her whisper.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

They all looked at each other and then at Kezia, who was hesitant to speak.

"Well dear, it's just that Javert doesn't want his dancers to be expecting, especially since dancing wouldn't be the only thing we are to be used for."

I quickly caught on to what she was implying. And I didn't like it one bit.

"The last few dancers who were with child were killed along with their offspring," Kezia continued, "One was only two months along, just like yourself. When he found out about her pregnancy, he had beaten her to the point of miscarriage and killed her off soon after. Another girl managed to hide her pregnancy till the very end when she had gone into labor one night while servicing other men. When the child was born, Javert had killed it in front of her and killed her right afterward. Even I was a victim of his abuse. Although I barely survived, my child was taken from me."

My mouth dropped with horror as she finished telling me the stories, both hands flying to protect my baby.

With no other words, she placed a red and black skirt and a red top that had gold coins dangling on it (A/N: outfit is above) in my hands and had undid the bun I had in my hair, making my tight curls spring out in all directions.

"But what about my twins? What about my husband? He had escaped here before, but we had just been captured and now he's all alone with that monster!"

She and the other women stared at me, sympathy shining in their eyes.

"I don't know, dear. But I do know that as a mother, you must be willing to do whatever is necessary to keep your loved ones safe. Even if it is the unthinkable. Now, put those on and I will give you more information about what is going to be expected."

Taking a deep breath, I went to the farthest part of the room, undressed, and got into the skimpy clothing.

Do it for Erik. Do it for the kids. I chanted in my mind, praying that they were okay. 

Erik's POV

I had fallen on my knees in agony as I was forced to watch my loved ones be taken away, Javert giving a demented smile.  Tears of pain and ceaseless anger trickled down from my eyes as I tried to see where they had taken them. 

"Aww, don't worry, my little Corpse. Your little family will be perfectly safe if you do exactly as I say. You will stay here and make me more money than what I can even imagine by doing EXACTLY what we did before you decided to try and murder me and run away like the coward you are."

"And if I refuse?" I asked, my hatred and fear beginning to swell and churn in my stomach, making me feel nauseous. 

He simply cackled and grabbed a dagger from the side of his belt and showed it to me. 

"You see this dagger? Not only is it a family heirloom, but it is pretty durable and is never dull. Perfect for slitting a dark, dainty, little neck like your wife's and two chubby caramel necks like your children's. But not after I had a little fun with them first. With you watching, of course." 

I instantly jumped up, outraged at the blatant threat to my family's lives. 

"Ah, ah, ah, Devil's Child. One more outburst like that and I'll order my men to kill them right here, right now. And you wouldn't want that, do you?"

I immediately backed down. He was right. I would never allow that despicable man to harm even a tiny hair on their heads and he knew it! He continued to give me a wicked, devilish grin as I backed down.

"That's what I thought."

He threw some pieces of clothing im my direction which consisted of a pair of trunks and a burlap sack with two holes ripped into it for me to see out of. He then turned to leave, but before he went to the cage door, he stopped and looked at me.

"Oh, one more thing.  We are going to be receiving a lot of eager customers, just waiting to see their favorite sideshow attraction.  Be on your best behavior, or you will never see your whore and bastards again." 

He then slammed the cage door shut, leaving me alone. I dropped down to my knees, sobbing uncontrollably. I had never wanted to be in this place again. This was one of the main reasons why I had stayed in our Lair. But now, I wish I was the ONLY one who has to be here. 

" Oh God! Please help us. You helped me get out of here the last time, and I need Your help to get both my family and I out. Even if I can't escape from here, at least let my family get home safely. I don't mind having to spend the rest of my life in here if it means that they will be free." 

I continued to pray when a voice from the cage next to mine stopped me. 

"There's no use of praying." 

I turned to see the figure of a hunchback man. He was clothed in brown rags and his face was covered in lumps. 

" I had prayed for ten years to escape, but I am still here. You said that you had escaped before, but look at you now. You're back to where you've started. Face it, God does not exist and if He does,  then He doesn't care about creatures like us." 

"Well, friend, that is where you're wrong. I have seen for myself how much God loves us. He spared my life from the time I was born to now; when I had tried to kill myself, He sent my wife to revive me; when she herself was at death's door, He brought her back to life  life and gave us two beautiful children to love and cherish. Even if this was the last time He ever does anything for me, I would still believe that He loved us. And I need that belief now, not for my sake, but for theirs." 

The man stared at me in surprise for a moment, then turned his body around so that his back faced me. I sighed, my head resting against the bars once more. It was clear to me what I must do now. 

No matter how degrading, I would do anything to protect them. 

A/N: Hello my fellow Phantom Phans! How's life been treating ya? 😁

Thank you guys so much for the 15.1k views, the 1.1k votes, and all of your comments so far.

You guys are amazing! 💋

So, I haven't updated in a while and all I gave you guys was a rather depressing chapter.

Well, what do you guys think?

Will they make it out together?

Will Javert gets what's coming to him?

And where is Madeleine?!

Vote, Comment, and Share and I'll see y'all next time!

M'kay, bye! 😎

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