Chapter 2: Advice from the Wife

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Evangeline's POV

The other parents stared at me, indignation and disbelief riddled all over their faces as my kids bolted from the building and into my arms. 

"Hi mommy!" The two of them said, excitedly. 

"Hey my little Sugar Babies. Did y'all have a good day at school?" I asked as I held their hands as we left. 

The twins chattered throughout our walk to the Opera Garnier and our boat ride to the lair as they chatted about the stuff that they did, the friends that they made, and even about a new student that came to class. I think they said his name was Gustave and that he was a Vicomte's kid.

By the time we got home, Ozzie and Tia had pretty much told me all about their day and were seating themselves at the table just in time for Erik to come out of the kitchen, a delicious-smelling roast in his hands.

"Bonsoir, mes petits filles." He smiled at them as he set the food on the table.

"Hi daddy." They both said as they ran over to him and gave him a hug.

With all of our greetings said, hands washed, the table set and a prayer spoken, we all sat down to eat. The children began to retell the story about how their day went, but I noticed that Erik wasn't really paying attention like he normally would.  He kept his eyes on his food and when one of them asked him a question, he would snap out his resolve and ask the kids to repeat what they just said.

This went on until dinner ended and after I sent the twins to take a bath, I decided to confront Erik, who had retreated to his music room.

"Erik?" I called out as I knocked on the door. As loud as I was, Erik still did not hear me, the music he played was loud and threatening as it drowned out my voice.

Not to be ignored, I yanked open the door to find Erik leaning on the keyboard of his organ, his hands cushioning his head as the instrument gave a groan of mixed up notes from the pressure applied by his elbows.

"Babe, we need to talk." I said, sitting next to him on the organ bench and running my fingers through his black, silky locks.

Giving a sigh in responce, he slowly turned his head towards me, his golden eyes rimmed red as stray traces of tears glisten his cheeks.

"What's the matter? What's wrong?"

"My mother. That is what's wrong." He replied as I began to wipe the moisture off of his cheeks.

"What about her? She isn't really worth your thought in my opinion." I said, my palm resting on his face. He gently cupped my hand into his and began to kiss my fingers before handing me a piece of paper.

After a few minutes, I had placed the paper back on the desk and gave a big sigh of anger.

"So, this no good, abusive, invalid "mother" wants to have the chance to beat up on my husband? Well, that hag has another thing coming!"

"That's not the only thing," Erik answered, standing up and moving away from the organ.

"Jesus told me to go. He said that I needed closure and I don't think that He would just send me there without having a reason why. Besides, I still love her, Angel. I still want my mother's love, even if it is forty years too late. But at the same time, I want to hate her. I want her to feel the pain that I endured all these years! What should I do?"

I listened in silence for a second as he finished realting his dilemma before I answered.

"Well, my advice to you is to do what He says and visit. Sure, you can stay mad at her and not go, but you could regret not going later on. Besides, if you do go, you would be proving her wrong about what she said about you. She told you that no one would ever love you, but look at you now! You have a wife and two beautiful children who love you, a friend who enjoys your company, and most of all, Jesus loves you." 

With that, I kissed him on the forehead before I left to clean the dishes. 

"Evangeline?" Erik called out as I headed for the doorway. 


"I think you should tell the twins' teachers that they will be absent for a while. The trip  to Boscherville will take a while. And thank you for the advice. You always seem to know exactly what to do."

"Well, that's what a wife does, baby." I giggled as I left the room. 

I guess I'll be meeting my mother-in-law face to face. 

A/N: Hello my fellow Phantom Phans! ❤

Missed me much?  😋

I missed you guys too! 

Thank you guys SOO much for the 480 views, 72 votes, and all of your comments so far! 

You guys are awesome! 😍

So, what did you think? 

Did Evangeline give sound advice? 

What will you think will happen when they meet up? 

If anyone is still interested in participating in the #TPARFanart competition, then here are the rules and regulations:

1. This contest is open to everyone.

2. You can post any type of artwork you like (such as silhouettes, character headshots, scenes from the story, character ships, etc), so long as it is NOT inappropriate. So, no highly sensitive content or anything that might seem pornographic.

3. All entries should be sent to me via Twitter (, via Facebook( or via Wattpad PM's all under the hashtag #TPARFanArt

4. You are allowed to post the minimum of one to the maximum of 5 pieces of artwork to either Wattpad, Facebook or Twitter, but not to all three.

5. All entries should be in by December 25th in which there will be a poll to determine who will be part of the Top Three Best Artists.

6. I will announce the Top Three on the 30th and the overall Winner will be announced on the 1st of January.


8. The Top Three will be given a special shoutout, have their artwork posted on Facebook, Twitter, and Wattpad, and the overall Winner will have one of their artworks displayed as this book's cover art.

9. Violation to any of the set rules above(i.e: sending inappropriate artwork, posting more than five entries, suspected plagiarism) shall result in IMMEDIATE DISQUALIFICATION.

Vote, Comment, and Share and I'll see y'all next time!

M'kay, bye!!!! 💗

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