Chapter 10: Try To Forgive

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Erik's POV

I hadn't realized that I had dozed off into slumber until I found myself in bed alone, the sheets next to me still warm from Angel's presence. Wherever she had flown off to, she hadn't been gone for very long. I sat up, running my fingers through my ruffled hair as I let my thoughts take over.

The talk I had with my mother last night did nothing for my mind. True, I had felt some anger be released at that moment, but I still felt the same burden as before. Slightly lifted, maybe, but it didn't go away. While my anger was released, my pain and hatred for her stayed. I couldn't let it go, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't forgive her.

And that is why you have that burden. The Voice said, His voice seemed to fill the room.

"What do You mean?" I asked, confused.

The burden you feel will not be lifted unless you decide to let go of the pain and forgive her.

I jumped up as He said that.

"Forgive her? Why should I forgive her? After everything she has done to me, after all of the pain she made me endure, I shouldn't even be thinking about giving her the time of day! Why should I give her a second chance?!"

Maybe it's because I gave YOU a second chance. I forgave you of your wrongdoings when you begged Me to. If you can't forgive your mother for her deeds, then why should I forgive you of yours?

I sat in silence, remembering all of the times between now and when I began to follow Jesus once more, I had begged Him to forgive me. Night after night, I would be on my knees, just begging for His forgiveness until He actually told me to stop. He said that I was already forgiven and to stop begging for something that I already had.

I never said that forgiveness would come easy. In fact, it could be the hardest thing that you would have to do. But if you just stay with Me and keep asking for the strength to do so, then you could do that and more.

The Voice left at that second, silence seeming to echo around my room.

I breathed a shaky sigh as I stood up and got myself ready to face the day, new determination filling my mind.

*A Few Minutes Later*

I exited my room, my normal, black attire and my white, porcelain mask covering the upper part of my face as the sound of my wife and children eating breakfast echoed up the stairs. Making my way down the hall to join them, I was surprised to see my mother meeting me halfway, the hood of her gray cloak pushed away from her silver hair.

She too seemed surprised to see me in the hall at the same time as her and before I was able to call to her, she quickly made her way to her bedroom.

"Mother, wait!" I cried, but to no avail.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" The voice of my wife drew closer to my side.

I sighed, cupping her cheek into my hand, the warmth of her flesh seeping into my own.

"Nothing, my love. Nothing of inportance."

Giving an incredulous look, she placed her small hand in mine as she began to lead us outside, the children following after us.

A/N: Greetings my fellow Phantom Phans!

How you doin'? 😜

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You guys are awesome!!!!!💋💋💋


Will Erik really forgive his mother?

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M'kay, bye! 😁😁🎼

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