Chapter 4

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     I woke up to my phone ringing.  I picked up my phone. Who could be calling me at this hour?  I picked up the phone.

" Hello?"  

"Hey this is Larry.  I thought you were working today?"  He asked.  Larry is my boss. 

" I didn't think so, My schedual says that I go back to work on friday." I told him

" Well it says on here that you are supposed to be working today and their is no one at the phone."  Larry said sternly.  " I am going to need you to come down to work.  The new employ is freaking out, she doesn't know how to do your job.  That is my fault for hiring someone who had just dropped out of college."  He had said.  " I am very sorry Emily, i will give you a raise.  I was planning on giving you one anyways.  You are my best employ."  He had said with pride and sympathy.  

" Thank you sir, I will be their in a bit.  Tell the new girl to calm down and I will be their shortly.  Would you like me to train her sir?  I could use the experince."  I had said

" Would you Emily? That would be wounderful. I don't want to fire her.  She is a teen mother and she needs to be able to support her kids."  He had said.

" I would love too sir. "

" That would be great.  You are the best.  So why do you need the experince anyways?"

" Well, I have a..." I froze, do I tell him I have a kid that I gave away and just re-adopted?  How silly would that look?  He said I was his best employ.  What if he looks at me diffrently?

" Emily? Are you there?"  Larry asked.

"Yes sir.  Um, I have this cat who is big, and has a mind of its own.  I am trying to show it that i am in controle." 

" Oh ok.  Well chop chop.  I need you hear in a hour."  He then hung up.  

"Bye."  I said to myself.  I took a shower and put my long brunnett hair in a but.  I then put on a knee high slimming skirt.  It was my favorite yellow skirt.  I then put on a black blouse with a ruffle boat cut neck.  I put on my black highheels and woke up Dannial.  Who was sleeping on the couch.  

" Dan, wake your butt up."  i said.

"Why? Its saturday."  He complained.

" I was called into work and I need you to be up for Capri."  I said

" Yeah okay."

" Get your butt out of bed right now!" I growled through my teeth.  " I am going to be late for work because you can't get you lazy butt off the damn couch!"  i yelled. " Get up! get up! Get Up!" I yelled.  He sat up and stood up and put on a white t-shirt.

" Alright! I'm up!"  He yelled back

"Good.  I will be back in time to make dinner.  Make Capri some eggs and toast.  Their is bacon in the fridge.  She can have a glass of the organic orange juice in their too. "  I told him.  " Also, do somthing fun with her. Don't stay at home all day.  Take her to the playground in Clairmont."  I told him.

" Claimont? Thats a half an hour away! I don't have that money for gas!" He complained.  I glared at him and took my wallet out of my purse and handed him a fifty.  

"  That should be enough money to go out to lunch too.  Their in a Mcdonalds ten minutes away from the park.  There should also be enough money for some gas to get you to clairmont and back and last another day.  Seriously? You have a nissan.  Gas should not be that much." I put my wallet back in my purse and grabbed my keys and headed out the door.  I steped outside to notice the air was crisper.  Fall in Vermont has one of the best smells you will ever know.  I got in the car and drove off to work.  Who knows what this new girl is going to be like.  I can only hope that they learn fast.  I would love to impress my boss.  

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