Chapter 5

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I get to work. I came with a cup of coffee from Starbucks. I give it to my boss.

" Thank you." He took a sip if coffee and he pointed to a girl with jet black hair. Her hair was curled, she had hipster glasses and wore red lipstick. She had a smoky eye and silver eyeliner. She was shuffling through papers. She looked stressed. I looked at him and giggled. He laughed with me. He was so hot. He had medium blonde hair and it was spiked. He had the whitest smile and easy on they eyes. His easy going blue eyes.

"So this is what you gave me to work with?" I asked. " She may take a while, but I think I can do it." I said and chuckled at the entertainment she was giving us.

" I know you will. You taught a middle schoolers how to stay organized for assignments. I know you can train a employ." He said with pride. Then his phone beeped. " I have a case to get to. I will be back to check on your progress. " He walked away with a black brief case. I sighed and walked towards the new employ. I tapped her in the shoulder. She jumped and screamed. I wasn't phased.

" what the hell! Do you always sneak up in people like that!" She yelled. She closed her eyes and rubbed her temples in circular motions."

"No I don't. I am Emily. I will be training you."

" I'm Betty."

" well Betty, welcome. I hope you feel at home." I said to her "Now let's get started." I clicked my tounge. " I think we should touch up in organization." I walked out of the room and grabbed a bunch of vanilla folders. I walked back in. I helped her organize. Soon the day was over. Right before Larry walked in.

"I am impressed Emily. Before I left Betty was panicking. Now her office looks like a secretaries office. Keep up the good work you two." He then winked at me. " oh and Emily, can u talk to you." Just as I walked out Betty grabbed my arm.

" He is so gonna ask you out." She said

" He is not. ". She looked at me and made a movement to go. I went into his office. " yes sir?"

"I wanted to see if you wanted to go out next Thursday." He asked.

" Yeah. Sure. I guess." I hesitated.

" why do you sound so doubtful?"

" I mean yes absolutely."

" that's what I like to hear. See you then." I smiled and left his office. I walked to my car and headed back to my house. I walked in and it looked like Capri and Dan had just walked in.

" Mommy!" She hugged me. I kissed her in the forehead.

"Did you have fun?" I asked

" yeah!" She then got a shopping bag.

"You guys went shopping?" I asked looking at Dannial.

"Yeah she needed new clothes." Capri grabbed a new night gown. The out it on. The night gown was pink and had satin blue bows in the bottom.

" goodnight mommy. Goodnight daddy. ". She kissed us both in the cheek and went to bed.

"Goodnight sweetheart." We both said. When she closed the door I looked at him.

"I'm going on a date next Thursday. You have the day off right?"

" your going on a date?" He asked

" that's what I just said isn't it?" I asked.

" were you going to consult me about this?" He asked

" what do you think I am doing right now?" I asked sarcastic " we are not dating anymore, you are just the father if my daughter. You mean nothing more to me then that." He stormed out of the Apartment. I went to bed. I didn't regret anything I said. I don't care of he doesn't come back. He is gone then. I won't have to deal with je louse ex's. I latex in bed thinking about what it would be like of he didn't come back. Then fell asleep. Better day tomorrow.

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