Chapter 6

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I woke up this morning, and Capri was already up. I made her a fruit parfait and I promised her we would do some more clothes shopping tomorrow. As I started brewing the coffee, Daniel came in with his shirt off. He then slammed a brand new coffee cup on my counter.

" really! You moron! That coffee collection was thirty buck! You just chipped the glass! That was a Han made lottery one too!" I yelled at the top if my lungs.

" Yeah, and you know what? I did that on purpose! The anger you feel right now, is the anger I felt when you told me you were going in a date!" He exclaimed

"Fine! I'm sorry you feel that way, but don't take it out in my dishes!" I yelled.

" You know, at one point, these were OUR dishes!" I said.

" Yeah, your right. That was when you had a job and insisted that everything was ours! Guess what? I have the job, I bought these dishes! I bought Capri clothes, I bought all of these groceries! I bought the gas! So no, these are not OUR dishes, they are MY dishes!" Daniel was about to say something, then Capri started crying. I looked over to see her spoon on the floor and her fingers in her mouth. I ran over to her. I instantly hugged her.

" what's the matter sweetheart?" I asked her.

" You were yelling." She said between breaths.

" I'm sorry. I was just mad at Dan-" I stopped myself and sighed. "Your father. That's all. I'm not mad at you."

". Are you and daddy like boyfriend and girlfriend?" She asked.

". No sweetly. We are just roommates." I answered as I looked at Daniel. I the. Repeated " roommates".

" If you guys only live each other. Then how is he my daddy?" She asked

". Well because....." I hesitated. I didn't know how to answer this question. " well because a swan came and said that he was your daddy and poof! You are in my tummy!". I said.

" oh ok." She said. She had obviously calmed down.

" Dan, we need to talk." I told him. We went I I our rooms and closed the door. " I want you out of my house by tomorrow. I don't want you to be in her life. I have been trying to trust you, but I can't. You didn't even give me a proper reason on why you left. ". He looked at me stunned. I wasn't sure why he was so stunned. For some reason he was though.

" Fine, good luck trying to find someone to watch her awhile your at work." He opened the door and went out if the apartment.

" That's why there are day cares!" I shouted at him. He then slammed the door.

Yep this was the start if my morning.

" Mommy, is e coming back?" Capri asked.

" I don't think so Capri." I told her. " but that's okay. We don't always need a father. Today you can come to work with me okay?" I said.

""Okay." She put on the biggest smile the.

". Now go put on that new outfit you got yesterday. ". I told her and smiled. She giggled and ran to the bedroom. I got dressed. She came into the bathroom in a green and white pika dotted dress. She then put on a pair of green sandals. I did her hair in pigtails with white bows that I had found. We then headed out the door. I was prepared for the day ahead of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2014 ⏰

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