Get over someone who broke your heart

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I would like to say this chapter may be sad. I'm writing this particular chapter because I have went through this. There were two boys that literally broke me. I was driven to some points of biting myself and scratching myself until blood came out. But the pain only made it worse. So this is what I did. This chapter is mainly for girls but guys can use it too.

Take one weekend day and sit in your room for the whole day do this during winter it's less light outside. Stay in the dark with your door closed. Keep a big bucket in there. And keep food and movies. Keep pencils and paper and an iPod or music source.

Mope around listen to sappy love songs and Taylor Swift. Or Adele which ever one I prefer Adele. Watch all of the twilight movies while yelling at Edward don't leave or that bitch Bella is GONNA mope around just like me. Do this while eating hagendaz ice cream. Preferably creme le douche or coffee. If not breyers chocolate will work.

Stay away from sharp or breakable objects.

Stay alone if you just so happen to get your period.

Once your done going through the denial and food stage. You go into the building up stage.

Every day give yourself a pep talk. Prepare yourself for the unexpected. Come up with some of the best come backs.

Mentally tell yourself every day that you don't like them anymore not even as a person. This can work for liking someone and being in denial. But that has nothing to do with this.

And most important. Move on with your life. So what they cheated on you, or they don't like you, they called you a stalker. That's too bad because they lost the chance of being with an amazing person. For SOME of you they dodged a bullet.

Go for someone else you like. Start to flirt with them talk to that person give them all of your energy and not that ass hat that broke you. Doing so you may make your old crush/boyfriend jealous. But when they apologize don't go back puffy with them. Keep moving on with your life.

Be like Tre Melvin and say to them if you can see what you missed out on then I hope you can see this. Stick your newly polished and manicured middle finger up at them. And smile. Don't force it show a real smile.


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