make a girl shut up (or at least change the subject)

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Okay I'm sorry for not updating this for a long time but I ran out of ideas and I don't wanna select this story of all my stories that I wrote this is my second fave. I have plenty ideas for stories. I mean PLENTY. But alas, I have promised myself that I won't make any more stories until I finish My best friend's older brother. And I won't be completing that anytime sooner. Not like Imma stop updating but it's probably gonna be about 60 or 70 chapters. At first I was thinking I'd only have 30 40 chapters but I'm almost at 30 chapters and there's a lot more I need to put in it.

Anyways this chapter is about how to make a girl be quiet. this This chapter is for the guys mainly. I know some girls that won't shut the fuck up sometimes. I'll go on but that's only to make sure people know what the fuck I'm saying and I know how to shut the fuck up. So here's how to shut them up or change the topic.

Offend them beyond belief.

DISCLAIMER: I read this on a story it's from the bad boy stole my bra. good story you should check it out. but this isn't mines so just to make sure I don't get sued.

When you going out somewhere look at what they're wearing while they're talking and say "damn you look fine. I'd totally bang you  if you were a girl." it's not the exact words but it's the same joke.

while your walking and she's talking interrupt her and say "okay it's hot outside and you talking non stop is not helping the humidity oak so SHUT DAFUQ UP"

Start touching her

She's talking and you're pretending to listen. Start looking at her hair and notice how sleek/curly/straight/fuzzy it is and run your fingers through it. Start to 'absentmindedly' pull her hair a lot harder.

When you've had enough of finding distractions so you don't have to listen to her hit her in the stomach with the back of your hand.

Annoy her

Start to look at or flirt with other girls making sure she notices.

Start talking to yourself for entertainment.

Be brutally honest

Just tell her nicely and gently. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Don't actually be gentle with your words yell it.

When you get irritated tell her "You know what I'm tired of you. you talk enough for the both of us so how about you stay here and talk to yourself sweetheart. Bye bye." and walk off.


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