C1: The Broken Ash Pack

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"And why wasn't I told about this sooner?" I growled with barely contained rage.

The maid shrank back in fear, but she answered. "I-I just f-found out a-about it."

I cursed loudly and slammed my fist into the wall. "Dismissed."

She ran away, and for that, I couldn't blame her. If I were in her shoes, I would do exactly that. Run.

After all, I was a VERY mad she-wolf, and I wouldn't think twice about harming anyone in my way.

I stormed downstairs and when I couldn't find anyone, I sprinted to the pack house. I didn't bother shifting because it would take too long, and I wanted answers immediately. Finally, I reached the door that led to my father's study.

I threw the door open and came face to face with the Alpha of our pack.

Aka, my dad.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" I yelled. He looked up from his desk and merely raised an eyebrow. He knew better than to interrupt. Instead, he let me rant for a full minute.

"I can't believe it! This is the Broken Ash pack we are talking about here, correct? We are enemies! You just don't accept their word that all they want to do is have a party to find the Alpha of that pack a mate, do you?!? It's a trap! The Alpha of that pack is said to not even have a heart, and you think he is coming through here with his most important and strong pack members just to find a mate?!?! No sir! I see right through this little plan, but do you? Noooo. The Alpha is not coming through our land and inspecting all the girls of age in our pack to find a mate, Dad! He is going to try to kill us!"

Finally, my father seemed to get annoyed by my rant and he stood up.


Instantly, I shut up.

He continued, voice sympathetic but stern. "Adira, you are quite an extraordinary she-wolf. You can outrun anyone in the pack excluding me, you can fight dirty and well, you win at everything you do, but your one weakness is your own imagination, and the refusal to see a temporary surrender when it pops up. You don't have your mate. You of all people I thought would have understood this. You must trust the Alpha of your pack. I will make sure you are safe and not harmed. Would I do anything that would intentionally harm you?"

Mutely, I shook my head.

"No, I would not. The Broken Ash pack will be arriving tomorrow at late afternoon. All the unmated females within age will go to the feast that is being prepared. The Alpha will join them at the feast and see if he can find his mate. If he doesn't, he leaves. If he does, he takes her home and that's that."

I sighed, nodding. "I'm sorry."

He smiled softly. "It's alright honey. Just try not to jump to such rash conclusions, yes?"

I smiled, about to hug him, but what came out of his mouth next caused me to freeze.

"And you will also have to understand that you could potentially be his mate. You are, after all, unmated and 19 years of age, which is a little late. Your brother has his mate already and he is a year younger than you."

I swallowed the unladylike words that were trying to force its way out through my lips. Instead, I offered him a tight-lipped smile. "Of course. I'll be on the training grounds if you need me."

He sat down and gave a nod of his head, and I breathed a small sigh of relief.

I had been dismissed.


I watched the rink and the fighters inside. The once before friends now looked at each other and circle the other, wary. A determination was written on both of their faces, and they both were in fighting stance.

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