C11: The Lost Hybrid

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I was once again sitting around a large table, except the person at the head of it was not an imposing man. Instead, there stood a lenient looking woman, with soft brown eyes and short, dirty blonde hair. Glasses were perched on top of her head, and her fingernails were done a pale rose pink. 

Sitting around the table were others my age and a few years older, but none were younger. I knew this because they all introduced themselves to me at the beginning of this meeting with their name and 'station', which was a really fancy way of saying age.

The woman in the front cleared her throat and the room immediately became quiet. When she spoke, her voice was soft but rang clear. "You are all here today because of your special talents. We have gathered you from all over for many reasons, and a number of them were to find the Lost Hybrid. And she is here with us today, sitting at this table with us, whom all of you were introduced to."

My eyes widened. The Lost Hybrid? This was the first I was hearing about this. When everyone looked my way was an even greater surprise. I was the Lost Hybrid? All they told me before I was ushered out here was everything would be explained to me. I guess they wanted to tell me in front of an audience in case I decided to try anything.

"Adira, we promised to explain everything to you, and we will. And the best way we can tell you is by storytelling. But first, a little history on us and how we came to be, and some history on you." 

Her voice soothed me, and I sat back to listen with a faint smile. 

"Once upon a time, there was a great Queen. She was beautiful, kind, and gentle. However, she was not very smart. One day, as she was out in her castle gardens picking roses, a great White Wolf appeared to her." 

Immediately I perked up. The White Wolf? 

"The wolf was gorgeous, and the most outstanding feature of it,-" Here she paused, looking around the room dramatically before finishing,"-were it's eyes. They were violet." 

I felt my face do that weird thing when you find out something that was totally unexpected. It scrunched up and my mouth turned down into a frown and my eyes widened. She paid no attention to me, continuing the story. "And then the wolf spoke to her, in her mind. She was greatly troubled at first, but soon came to realize that this White Wolf meant no harm. So she asked him why he visited her. And he responded," Do you not know who I am?" The Queen, now afraid, nodded, even though she did not. All she had to do was politely say no, but she didn't. And now she just lied to the White Wolf, which would undoubtedly go unpunished. He knew this, and became angry. So he cursed her."

Everyone was leaning forward in their seats, even though I'm sure they've already heard it a million times before. I held my breath as I waited for her to finish. I was almost positive that the White Wolf she was talking about was the same one I healed. It had to be. 

"The curse was this: You will not be able to bear children." It was here she paused the story to add her own comment. "Such a common curse, yet very devastating, especially for the Queen who was expected to bring forth an heir to the throne. So she pleaded, she begged, some say she even fell to the ground on her knees. But this is what she said. "Please, anything else. I did not know who you were, do not curse me just because of my foolish ways!" 

"And this greatly pleased the White Wolf, for she had seen that she was wrong and asked forgiveness. So he instead placed upon her a blessing. 'May all those of the female in your family line obtain the gift of healing. With just a exhale of air upon the wounded and weak, and they will be restored to their full health." 

"And so it was. The Queen gave the King two sons and a daughter. The daughter had the gift of healing, and her daughter, and so on. About 1,000 years ago, one of the females from the family line did not have a girl. She was heartbroken, but then the Moon Goddess appeared to her and made a deal. She would grant the woman the ability to have a girl if her family line became werewolves, who were well known back then and were greatly admired. And the woman of course agreed and bore a baby girl that she name Lilia. That was the last we have seen or heard of from the Queen's lineage." 

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