C4: It was just a Test

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I was the one who looked away first. 

"I've got to finish packing, since I thought you wouldn't be here for another day." 

Alpha Phoenix closed his eyes and breathed deeply, seeming to control himself. I waited, and my eyes had a mind of their own and started looking over his tattoos. What did they mean? I wondered if there were any more underneath his clothes. 

The instant my mind went there, a flush rose on my cheeks and I willed myself to think of something, anything, else.  I heard a throat clear and my eyes snapped to his, his violet gaze piercing mine, his mouth lifted in a smirk. "What are you thinking, little mate?" He asked, taking a step towards me. 

My face grew hotter but I innocently shrugged. "Unicorns. You?" 

Phoenix's smirk grew dangerous and his eyes dark. "Do you really want to know the answer to that question?" 

I lifted my chin. "I mean, I asked you what you were thinking. I think it would be common courtesy to reply and rude not to answer."

He took another step forward. "I was thinking about how I would love to fu-"

"ADIRAAAA!" My brother yelled, cutting off whatever Alpha Phoenix had been about to say, and I was glad. I'm sure by now my face looked like a tomato and that was not a pleasant sight. Not that I cared how he thought I looked or anything. 

I sighed before answering through mindlink. "I'm coming."

On the walk back I was silent, and Alpha Phoenix was quiet too. It let me have some time with my thoughts. My mate at times could be abrupt, but he wasn't as bad as I was led to believe. He did cut me, but that was when I tried and failed to run away. However, things might change when we went back to his Pack. Hopefully he wouldn't be totally possessive like most, ok all, Alpha mates were. 

My mind went back to Xavier and I winced. Yeah, definitely possessive. When I went to protect Xavier, I thought that when I went to shove Phoenix it would be just light enough to get his attention onto me and off Xavier, not make him fly across the room and hit the wall. I knew Werewolves had strength, but I threw a flippin Alpha across the room with just a push.

And the funny thing was, nobody even seemed to notice.

Maybe it had something to do with me being able to heal with just a simple breath. Just thinking about it made me nervous, so I stopped thinking and just walked. In no time it seemed, we were back at the pack house. 

My eyes shuttered, I turned to Alpha Phoenix. "Let me say good-bye to them right now: Alone." 

Even before I finished talking he was growling. "You could try and escape again, or do some funny business with Xavier. No, I'm coming in with you." 

I growled in response. He may have been an Alpha, but I was also an Alpha's daughter and didn't take orders. "No you're not. You're going to stay right here until I come out." 

Phoenix's hands shot out and gripped my wrists and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Not this again. "You will do as I say. Do you understand?" His eyes were starting to flash, a sign of his wolf coming out. 

I felt my own canines lengthen and glared at him, challenging him. "Oh, I understand perfectly well." 

I saw him smirk before saying the second half of my statement. "But that doesn't mean I will obey." 

I could see him getting angrier with every passing second I was talking, but I had to make him understand where I stood in our relationship. I wouldn't let myself be bossed and ordered around like some servant. If I was to become his Luna, then I would make sure I was treated with respect and treated as his equal. 

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