C5: They weren't all Rumors

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He was silent for a minute. That minute turned into two minutes, and longer. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. "Phoenix?" I said softly, my eyes searching his. They were cold and emotionless, so different from what I had just seen.

His grip tightened, and I couldn't help but wince. He didn't notice, or just didn't care. "You will not ever mention my father again." He was using his Alpha tone, leaving me no choice to obey him. Even if he hadn't used his Alpha tone, I would have obeyed.

I simply nodded.

His grip loosened, but he didn't let go. Phoenix murmured," Thank you," then put his nose in the crook of my neck, breathing deeply. I stilled, uncomfortable. I wasn't use to being shown affection. Even my mother was sometimes cold and distant, so different than most think.

Phoenix chuckled, pulling away. "Your scent calms me, love." 

I looked away from his burning gaze, uncomfortable. "That's nice." I muttered, and he stepped back, chuckling. 

I raised an eyebrow at this man's antics. I swear, he was bipolar. 

"Let's go back to the pack house." I said quickly, heading away from the cursed tree, leading the way. He fell into step beside me, not talking. We made it back to the pack house in less than a minute and judging by the raised voices inside, they started without us. 

"Alright, I'll go in first and then you can go in-" I started planning, my finger moving in the air, but Phoenix walked right past me ignoring what I was saying. 

"Hey!" I jogged to catch up, my cheeks flushed at being so blatantly disregarded. "Listen, my father is probably going to be really mad and I think it would be best if we didn't go in together so he wouldn't be reminded of us being mates. Because us being mates makes him mad and he's already mad, so.."

When Phoenix turned around and stopped, his stance wide, I realized I was rambling and shut my mouth. He always seemed to bring the worst out in me, and I had to reign in my emotions. 

"Why would us being mates make him mad?" He asked, his voice soft but deadly. 

My already heated cheeks turned into a raging inferno when I realized my mistake. "What? Pssht." I made a face and waved my hand, trying to play it off. "No-o! What?! Who said that? I didn't say that, did you say that? Or are you asking me-"

"You're rambling." Phoenix mused, the corner of his mouth lifting in a smirk. 

Again? I groaned and covered my face with my hands, embarrassed. He came over to me and drew my face into his chest, where I hid my blushing face gratefully. It seemed my slip up of how my father felt about Phoenix was forgotten-for now. Hopefully, it would stay off the table and not brought up again. 

Glass shattered inside the Pack House and I peeled away from my mates chest and started forward, my stride focused. When my father grew out of control, which unfortunately with his temper happened quite often, I was the only one able to quell it, along with my mom. Although sometimes not even she would be able to get him level headed. I wasn't afraid to take a few hits if it meant the safety of our pack. It hasn't come to that since a couple months ago, though, so praying to the moon goddess it stays that way. 

Phoenix grabbed my wrist and spun me around, and my cheek pressed up against the very chest I had just escaped. "Where do you thing you're going?"

 "Um, into my house, maybe? You know, where the breaking glass is?" As if to prove my point, more breaking glass resounded through the house. 

"It's not safe for you." His eyes looked troubled but I rolled mine. 

"I've done this thing before, he's usually fine after-" I bit my lip, almost giving up one of my secrets. That was too close. Was the mate bond really affecting me this much? I would need to keep a closer guard on my words.

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