Chapter 10: I don't care if I'm ugly

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Jayden's POV

OMG, he just won't give up. Here's my last try. 'Would it make you feel better if I give you a bag of twizzler?' and wait for it... Yes, I see a smile on his face. Booyah, score for the little people.

Just like that, we headed back to the campus and I grabbed my bag. I opened it and as promised, I gave him a bag of my favorite candy.

He handed me a bag and said, 'here's a little something for you since you fixed my cousin's bike, thought you might want it.'

I looked inside thinking it was food but instead, it was makeup and lipstick. I just smiled and said thank you. What was I supposed to say? That if my classmates catch me wearing make-up, they would think that I have inhaled enough motor oil to cause brain damage.

I shoved the bag in my back pack and I handed it to Angelique around lunch time. I know she likes those stuff. She wanted to know who gave it, I said Alex.

'Really? He's so thoughtful,' she was gushing while looking at the stuff inside the bag.

Wait, did she thought he gave me the bag so I can deliver it to her? Oh well, I decided not to say anything. I'm supposed to be helping her love life anyway.

BTW, why would he give me make up and lipstick? Am I that hideous that a guy has to give me a hint to make me realize that I'm Ugly? I turned to my supposed best friend, 'Ang? Am I butt ugly?' I asked her with a serious look in my face.

'What? Who told you that? Are you still hurt of what happened in HS with that slime ball, Jared? JD, are you getting your memories back?' she asked excitedly.

I just rolled my eyes at her, 'Jared is not one of my missing memories and no, this has nothing to do with him.'

'Tell me then, who's the moron who told you that you're ugly?' I can see her fighting mode getting turned on.

'No one. I just get the feeling that some people thinks I'm ugly.' I hid my face in the book I was reading.

She wasn't having it. She's usually like that, once she gets a hold of a topic, she keeps going about it until I literally shut her mouth wi+th my hand.

And she keeps going, 'That's what you get for hanging out with guys, they never care about beauty except of course it's their girlfriends or wives. You don't hear them talk about fashion, shoes and cosmetics.

The next time you go shopping with me, I will make sure that you'll be the prettiest girl in the mall, except of course, yours truly.' She proudly announced.

I just rolled my eyes and kept walking towards my classroom. Why do I even care if he thinks I'm ugly? Even if I wear the most expensive gown in the mall, he'll never think of me as a girl.

I, sometimes, wonder why guys only go for beauty and then personality instead of the other way around.

It's not just guys though because females do the exact same thing. We're as vain as they are. We never fail to see the outer beauty and covet that superficial quality despite the fact that it'll eventually fade.

That's why beauty products is one of the highest grossing item in the market, probably above bread. Is it because we have the innate need to surpass others as we struggle to find that perfect mate?

I do wish someday that I find my perfect mate but I won't hold my breath for the perfect one, a nice average guy with a good job would suffice.

'Jayden, what's wrong? I've never seen you so unsure of yourself. Where's the JD that doesn't give a damn about dresses or if your shirt is torn while letting everyone see a piece of your belly?' Angelique is still buzzing around my ear, still hasn't let go.

I quickly looked at her with a surprised look in my face. 'What? Everyone saw? Holy cow, no wonder I got so many looks that day.' Realization just hit me. I am so turning that shirt into a rug.

I saw Alex the next day when he came to our house to pick up Caleb. He sat down next to me and helped himself with my popcorn.

He asked me if I liked the stuff that he gave me. I said it wasn't really my color but it suited Angelique's fair skin better.

I didn't want to admit that I just don't have any use for them and reminded me of what he must think of me. He just nodded.

Michael happened to walk in followed by Mark. They must have just played basketful because they're both sweaty and stinky. Michael sat down next to me and grabbed some of my popcorn too.

'What's up, squirt?' asked my offensive brother.

'The water bill because you stink to high heaven and you're gonna have to shower for a week to get rid of your stench,' I retorted back. I heard Alex snort at my retarded answer.

Mark realized that Alex was in the room, pausing for a second and introduced him to Michael. They exchanged hi's. I guess Michael already knows about Alex via Mark but this is the first time Alex have heard of Michael.

He was eyeing him carefully. To avoid any awkwardness I told Michael that he can shower in my bathroom. I had to think fast if I left any girly stuff hanging around. Even if he's gay, I still don't want any man seeing my stuff.

'Thanks, love' he said to me, ruffling my hair and took off with his gym bag.

I got up and went to the kitchen to make some sandwiches for the hungry monsters. Alex came over and started cutting up some cucumber and tomatoes. Wow, a guy who knows his way around the kitchen.

'So this Michael, you guys seem pretty close,' he asked without missing a bit with his slicing.

'Yah, we go way back but he hangs out more with Mark since they were classmates since elementary,' I responded, while trying to open up a bottle of mayo. Guess he saw me struggling, he took the jar from my hand and easily twisted the cap.

'Ohh, my hero,' I pretended to swoon. He smiled at me and I grabbed the jar back from him.

As soon as the sandwiches were finished, everyone came down and help themselves. I separated 2 sandwiches for Michael since he wasn't done taking a shower.

After Caleb finished his sandwich, I gave him a glass of milk and he swallowed the whole glass in one shot.

'Kid, you're gonna be popular in college someday,' he looked at me with confused expression. He gave me a hug and said his goodbyes to everyone.

Alex ruffled my hair as he said 'bye' to me. I pulled my head away from his touch, I felt a weird sensation from his touch.

It felt different from anyone else who had given me head rubs before. What the heck was that, anyway?

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