Chapter 12: What is this weird feeling?

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Alex's POV

Why do I get this feeling that Jayden is avoiding me and I always end up with her best friend. I don't mind her but she can be too noisy sometimes. She loves to talk about her major and her upcoming projects.

I get that she's excited with doing TV programs as part of her curriculum. I feel that way too when I'm shadowing a doctor as part of my hospital rotation but half of what she's saying, I don't understand. I feel bad because I end up tuning her out most of the time.

Whereas with Jayden, she could be talking about how oil pumps work at the Golf and I could listen to her all day. There's just something unique when you look at her face when she's explaining something mechanical.

Her passion for gadgets shines through. Her eyes sparkles and her cheeks has this pink tinge to it. Her voice has this nice tone especially when she's excited about something.

I sometimes have to stop myself from pinching her cheeks to see if they feel as plump as they look. I miss her. I haven't really spoken to her in a while.

I've tried to catch her in the park on some weekends that I have free time with no luck. When I pick up Caleb she's either in her room studying or out somewhere finishing a project.

I woke up the next morning, bright and early. I wanna see if Jayden wants to go for a run in the beach. I texted her first in case she's still asleep. No response.

I lightly knocked on their door and Angelique opened it slightly. She peeked out her head from the side of the door and looked at me. Her eyes went wide and slams the door on my face.

WTH, 'Angelique, I just wanna know if Jayden went for a run, I was gonna go with her,' I asked.

I heard her saying, 'she's been gone for a while. She left with Michael and Mark to have breakfast,' she added, 'Give me 20 mins and I'll go with you .'

No way I'm waiting for 20 mins when my Jayden is already up and about. 'I'd meet you at the restaurant coz I'm hungry now,' was my reply. I took off before she could say anything else.

I saw them all together in a big table having breakfast. I said my good mornings to her parents and Caleb's. They wanted to know if I slept well. I just nodded and started spooning some coco puffs in a small bowl.

Jayden passed the milk to me and asked, 'where's Angelique? I thought you guys were gonna come together?'

'We are?' I asked in surprise.

'Yah, she was going to wake you up so both of you could come down together,' she replied while passing me the mixed fruits.

My parents and the Taylors were looking at me with intent. Finally my uncle said, 'Alex be careful, you're parents are coming next month. I don't want them to think that we are keeping a secret such as having a new girlfriend.'

I didn't know what to say. I could feel my face heating up from embarrassment. 'It's not like that, uncle. We're just friends.' I murmured and concentrated on my breakfast like it's a scientific experiment before they say anything else.

Jayden's POV

I could tell he was embarrassed. His cheeks turned pink and tried to hide on his cereal. Good thing Caleb interrupted and asked what the plan is for today.

Mark and Michael wanted to do paragliding. I'm not a fun of heights so I said I'd probably just hang out at the beach with Angelique.

BB wanted to go back to the arcade, no big surprise there. Since Caleb wasn't into hanging out with his parents and he's too young for paragliding he opted to join Jacob. Alex said he had some reading to do before he goes back to school.

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