Chapter 14: Stop fidgeting, my heart

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Alex's POV

Instead, what greeted me when I walked in to the theater was the source of my confusion, frustration, and might as well add jealousy.

There she is, eating some chips with another 2 guys that absolutely adore her. She's always surrounded by boys, be it in school or at home. How is that even fair?

How did I become so pathetic? I'm gonna need another vacation from this vacation. I'm supposed to relax and recharge so when school starts, I'd be all ready and prepared.

Forget that plan, I'm so stressed out right now, half the time I'm not sure if I'm coming or going.

It's frustrating that she keeps throwing me to her best friend when I've no feelings for Angelique at all.

I caught on to what she's been doing since our first night at the resort when she left us alone by saying she's going to use the restroom and broke her word by not coming back. Since then, I try not to get too close to Angelique.

As the movie was nearing its ending, I felt her head fall on my shoulder. I turned my head her way to see what had happened, she must have been tired that she fell asleep without finishing the movie.

I can see the boys so wrapped up in the movie that I bravely kissed her head. I like the smell of her shampoo, kinda fruity. I heard her murmur softly, 'night mom'. Did she felt the kiss? I hope she won't remember anything when she wakes up.

The movie ended and she's still out of it. I finally had to gently tap her arm to wake her up. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me. She looked so cute with her facial expression. I just wanted to hug her tight and never let go.

The boys loved the movie that they kept talking about it on the way back to our rooms. Jayden was just quite. I tap her shoulder and ask her again if she's okay. She just said, 'I'm okay'.

I woke up so refreshed the following morning. Last night I hit the bed and fell asleep with a smile on my face. I couldn't forget Jayden's sweet face when I woke her up at the movie theater.

She, on the other hand, is still quite this morning. Angelique tried talking to her but she only answered in monosyllables. Her mom even told her to stay in her room if she's not feeling well. She said she was fine.

Everyone decided that today we'll just hang out in the beach. We requested for 2 cabanas. 1 for the adults and 1 for the younger people.

I brought a medical mystery book that I've been wanting to read but never had the time. The author is a lady doctor, she's an anthropologist who solves crimes by looking at bones.

Unfortunately, Mark and Michael had other ideas. They decided that we're all gonna play water football. Caleb and Jacob are very excited. They run to the water and dragged Jayden and Angelique with them.

I was getting ready to get up from my chair when Jayden, all soaking wet, came out of the water. I just stood there and stared at her.

She was wearing a one piece black bathing suit and a long thin white shirt over it. Soaking wet, you can see her perfect figure outlined by the now wet shirt clinging to her body.

I've never been into ogling women but I couldn't stop looking at her. Angelique is wearing a 2 piece bikini suit where you see more flesh than cloth and she faded in the background.

Nothing compared to this vision of Jayden in front of me. Thank goodness a ball hit my chest, taking my gaze away from that beautiful sight. If I've stared any longer, it would have been very embarrassing.

We played water games until we got tired and thirsty. This time I tried not to stare too hard every time Jayden comes out of the water.

I had to purposely look away until she's wrapped in a towel or looking less inviting. I really do need another vacation after this.

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