Chapter 18: Alex's bane

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Alex's POV

My parents and Caleb's went to the restaurant with Jayden's parents for a meet and greet. I was looking forward to going to Jayden's house to pick up my cousin.

Michael as usual is there, sitting next to Jayden, acting like he owns the house. I was irritated as soon as I saw him and then he had the nerve to invite me for dinner. I got out of there as quick as I can before I say anything rude to him.

Caleb asked me if Michael and Jayden are together. That woke me up from my musing and stopped me dead on the spot. Wait, what? What did he just say? I must have gotten startled because he looked at me with apprehension, thinking that he said something wrong.

In a gentle voice, 'why do you say that, Caleb?'

'Because we saw Michael coming out of Jayden's room and the door was closed.' He said matter of fact.

I've been in their house plenty enough times to know the house rules: 1. No cursing 2. If your hands aren't broken, clean after yourself 3. If it smells, throw it out 4. If a boy and a girl are in the same room, door must stay open 5. Try not to kill your sibling.

I almost turned around, gone back to their house and ask Michael or punch him, whatever suits my mood when I confront him. I had to stop myself when I realized I had no right to be angry nor be violent with him. She's not mine and she can do anything she wants. But darn it, that really just pisses me off.

She should know better how it would look to other people, like little kids...and me. What were they doing in her room with the door closed? They should respect the house rules. I'm tempted to tattle on them to her parents but I didn't want her to think badly of me.

The next few days, I try not to look in her direction. I'm still upset about what Caleb told me and I haven't found an answer to his question either. I could ask Mark but then he might rat me out to Jayden. I couldn't ask Angelique because I wasn't sure how she would take it if she finds out that I like her best friend. I didn't want to cause any rift between them.

I happen to pass by the engineering department on my way to the administration building to turn in my application for my next internship rotation. I wanted to stay in the same hospital for my surgical rotation since I've heard that Dr. Parks is a very good orthopedic surgeon and I'm hoping I'll be one of their choices. 

Of all the people to bump into, with my luck, it's the guy that's giving me a lot of stress right now. I was sick and tired of not having any answers to my question that I've finally had enough.

'HI, Alex. What brought you to our neck of the woods? You've wondered pretty far off from your comfort zone,' as he greeted me with a smile. I just wanted to wipe that smile off his face.

'Hey, can we talk? Like right now?' I asked rudely.

'Sure' he said. He moved out of the traffic area of the hallway and turned to me. 'What's up?'

I told him about what Caleb told me and point blank asked him, 'do you like Jayden? Are you guys going out now? Didn't I told you already to not put her in an uncompromising situation?'

'Wo, wo, wo. What's all this questions, Alex?' asking with interest.

'Nothing. I'm just wondering. If you're not into her, would you mind being respectful and not put her in any awkward situation?' I insistently told him.

'Why? Do you like her? Why do you care so much about her dignity?' he threw back at me.

'Look, that's none of your business,' I retorted.

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