Chapter 15: Endings & Beginnings

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We're almost done! - Lauren


Livi's POV

"Tyler?" I asked, confused, when he stepped into my hospital room, holding a guitar.

"Do you have a few minutes?" he asked.

"I wanted to talk to you, actually," I said softly, wanting to get the words out.

"Can I go first?" Tyler asked nervously.

I hesitated and nodded.

Tyler took a deep breath. "I was a jerk, Liv, a huge jerk. And I'm so, so sorry that I did this to you. So..." he held up his guitar. "Mind if I sing for a bit?"

I flushed. "Okay."

Tyler sat down at the chair across from the foot of the bed, positioned his guitar, and strummed once. He took a deep breath and began to sing:

"Don't talk, let me think it over, how we gonna fix this? How we gonna undo all the pain...tell me, is it even worth it? Looking for a straight line, taking back the time we can't replace..."

I tried to stop the tears from forming in my eyes. He didn't... I thought.

"All the crossed wires, just making us tired, is it too late, to bring us back to life?" Tyler sang, never breaking eye-contact with me.

I noticed Dr. Jocund standing in the doorway, smiling at the two of us. Which caused the tears to fall.

Damn Jocund.

"When I close my eyes and try to sleep, I fall apart, I find it hard to breathe, you're the reason, the only reason," Tyler continued, "Even though my dizzy head is numb, I swear my heart is never giving up, you're the reason, the only reason."

"Ty..." I tried, and couldn't. 

"I feel you burning under my skin, I swear I see you shining, brighter than the flame inside your eyes..." Despite the tears, I had to smile at that.

"Bitter words spoken, everything broken, it's never too late to bring us back to life..." I muffled a sob with my sheets.

"When I close my eyes and try to sleep, I fall apart, I find it hard to breathe, you're the reason, the only reason," Tyler said, smiling slightly. "Even though my dizzy head is numb, I swear my heart is never giving up, you're the reason, the only reason."

He stopped as his voice cracked on the last 'reason'. The music ceased.

"Tyler," I breathed. 

"I hope that you see where I'm coming from," Tyler said sadly. "While things between us may never be the same again, I don't want you to hate me forever, Liv---" he rambled on.

"Tyler," I interrupted.

"Yeah?" he asked, jumping slightly.

I smiled. "Kiss me."

Tyler's eyes lit up, and as he crossed the room towards me, I saw Dr. Jocund smile and slip from the doorway.

Tyler's lips met mine in a clash of wills, I wasn't going to let him in so easily. I gasped as he tugged on my lower lip, begging. Pleading.

I pulled away, breathing heavily. "You're forgiven."

"Thank goodness," Tyler said, obviously relieved beyond explanation. "I was worried I'd have to sing another song, which I didn't have prepared, and I was also afraid you were going to kick me out--"

"Shut up and kiss me," I ordered.

Tyler grinned. "Yes, ma'am."

We were just getting into it when cat-calls sounded in the room. "Atta boy!" I heard my brother crow.

Tyler climbed off of me, grinning sheepishly. "Thanks."

"You're getting the hell out of this joint," Haven exclaimed, squeezing my hand. "You're free, Livi."

"About time too," Dani said, rolling her eyes.

Hadley cheered.

"Where are mum and dad?" I asked Brandon.

"Away," he sighed. "Don't worry, when you're safe at home I'll ring them and let them know you're better."

"Promise us you won't model anymore," Hadley begged.

I smiled at Tyler, lacing my fingers through his. "I don't think you'll have to worry about that anymore."


Anna's POV

"I GOT THE ROLE!" I shrieked, running into the house.

"What role?" Logan gasped, sweeping me into his arms and spinning me around.

"There's a small film being filmed right here in London, and I went and auditioned for it a few weeks back," I explained. "I got a supporting role, but it's something!"

"Anna, I'm so proud of you!" Haven hobbling over and throwing her arms around the both of us. "It's just like you always wanted."

"I know!" I squealed.

"What's all this racket?" Nick joked, joining us. "Congrats, Anna."

"Thanks," I said bashfully.

"Good news," Hadley reported, coming into the room and hugging Nick, "I passed my finals with flying colors!"

"And we have a new book in the works," Teagan added, following her sister in.

"You two are together now?" Logan asked, glancing at Hadley and Nick in shock.

"Apparently so," Nick said, laughing.

"And we're halfway done writing our first fiction novel" Hadley added. "Our publicist thinks it'll receive better feedback than our first one."

"That's awesome!" I exclaimed, hugging Teagan. "You guys will be great, I know it."

"It looks like everything's coming together," Logan said, laughing. "Are you guys ready for the homecoming?"

Livi was coming home from the hospital today, and we were planning a huge surprise party. I had a feeling she knew something was up, as Tyler couldn't keep a secret.

"Yup!" I said, sashaying in my new skirt. "Let's go party!"

"Isn't it a blue theme?" Hadley asked, pointing to my bright pink heels.

I shrugged. "I thought heels were a safe way to bring a little color to the theme."

"Smart," Teagan said, smiling. "Let's just grab Xander and be on our way."

"I'm here," he said, coming into the front foyer. (Check out the external link for what all the girls are wearing!)

"Great," Logan said, grinning. "Let's go, shall we?"





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