I Already Dislike You...

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I walked into the halls and made my way towards the main office. I walked up to the lady in the front desk.

When she looked up, I was in complete disgust. She was dark skinned, with dark blue eyes. I could tell they were contacts. She has light blue eye shadow that reached up to her eye brow, and red lipstick that were smeared off to the side of her lips. Her eye lashes were extremely long , and her brows were extrely bushy. She also had a huge mole that was on the side of her nose. Which made a skin crawl a bit.

"May I help you?" she smiled.

I noticed the some of her lipstick smeared onto her front teeth also.

"Umm...umm." Was all that would come out of my mouth. I was horrified.

"Look, I don't have time to lolly-gag" she replied.

I snapped out of my gaze.

"Oh, um yeah. I'm actually. We here, and I need a class schedule." I said

"Name." she stated.

"Joyslin Deanna Valdez" I said.

She searched through her computer. She told me to take a seat while she searched for my schedule.

I nodded my head and sat down in the back.

A couple of minutes later she called me up and handed my schedule and locker number. I walked out of the office to find my locker. It felt like hours until I reached it.

"410" it read. I put in the combination and stated to put my things into it while grabbing the things I need for first period. I closed my locker and made my way towards Algebra 2. Oh and didn't I mention the hallways were empty? Yeah. I'm late on the first day of school. Great.

I reached Algebra and I opened the door, only to be greeted with every classmates eyes on me. The teacher looked and me with his eyebrow raised.

"And you are...." He trailed off.

"I-I'm Joyslin.." I stuttered.

Since when did I become so nervous?

"Oh, Your the new student ! Welcome!" he said with a smile.

"Thanks" I responded looking away.

"Well I'm Mr. Callis, and you may take a seat by Mr. August." He said.

"Umm...Who?" I questioned.

How the Heck am I suppose to know who he is.

"Mr. August , Please raise your hand." he said.

I looked out into the class and saw a guy with his hand raised. I didn't really pay him no mind.

"You may take a seat" He said.

I simply nodded and made my way towards the back of the room. I put my things down, and placed a sheet of paper and and pencil. I looked around the classroom and it made its way to 'Him' . Our eyes met for a split second as I pulled away. Seconds later I felt him staring at me. I shrugged it off and started to do my work.

Soon enough class ended. As the bell rang, I grabbed my things and walked out into my locker.

"Hey sis" A voice called out.

It was no other than my brother Jacob. I just ignored him at the fact that he left me at home.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked.

I acted as in i was in deep thought.

"Hmm, I don't know. Maybe cause you left me at the house when you were my ride!" I yelled.

"Maybe, If you weren't so mean and grouchy at me this morning...I could've lend you a ride here." he said.

I just rolled my eyes and closed my locker. The bell rang.

"Look, I have to go to study hall. See you at lunch." I said while walking off.

"Aight!" he yelled.



I made it into the library and took a seat at an empty table. I took out my IPhone put my earphones in. I started to play "Faded" by tyga. I opened my algebra 2 book and started to work.

Suddenly I heard a chair screech across from me. I looked up and saw that it was a girl. She had Jet black hair that reached her shoulders. She was wearing make up. But only eyeliner and lipgloss. She was listening to her music , while chewing gum. She opened her textbook and started to read it. I looked back at my Algebra book when she spoke...

"Aren't you the knew girl?" She asked.

I rolled my eyes and looked up at her.

"Yup" I said popping the 'P'.

"Wassup? I'm Jennifer..But you can call me Jenni doe." she said.

I nodded and looked back into my book.

"You happen to have a name?" She asked with her brow raised.

"Joyslin." I said not looking up this time.

"Oh, That's nice." she said simply.

There was an ackward silence.

"You like it here?" She asked.

I looked up at her with an emotionless expression.

"Look, I don't even wanna be here." I said

She gave me a look but I chose to ignore it before anything happens.

"Are you here alone?" she asked.

"No, I'm here with my brother." "You?"

"Same." she said. "He's actually over there." she said pointing to the back of the library.

It was the guy from Algebra...

He was listening to music with a girl on his side. He had a SnapBack on and it looked like he had a low cut. He had on a varsity jacket with the schools colors on it. On the jacket it read "Chresanto August" I guess that was his name. I looked at his face again, his skin was a light and his eyes were a deep shade of brown. His lips were full and plump.

I looked back down at my book.

"You like him, Don't you?" she asked while smirking.

I quickly looked up at her and chuckled.

"Your funny." I said. "I don't even know the dude."

"Mhmm, Well be careful." she said as she was abou to but her earphones back in..at least until I stopped her.

"Be careful?" I asked raising my brow.

She looked at her brother then back at me.

"Just Watch your back aight?" she said as she plugged her earphones, grabbed her books and walked away.

What the hell? Be careful? She must not know me. But I still wondered why she told me that. I looked back at her brother. He spotted me looking at him and he smirked a bit. I raised my brow. The next thing you know the girl sitting next to him turned his head and started making out with him. I rolled my eyes.

Am I jealous? Naw I can't be. I don't even know the boy...I shrugged it off while grabbing my things and leaving.


Sorry That I've Hadnt written anything in a while!! I've been busy in school since we only have 4 more days left of it :O ! But Summer is Here and I'll Be sure to Write a lot more!! :D

I actually have an idea of a new story called "Best Friends" that will be coming up soon so stay tuned!!

If there's any spell errors I'm sorry, I'm wrote the story on my iPhone so I have auto-correct and stuff so yeah!

More Chapters Coming Soon!



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