"Well Then..." Craig Said. Trying to keep the ackwardness away from what just happened.
To be honest I felt bad about what I said to Chresanto. I didn't mean to piss him off that much..
"Maybe I Should Apologize..." I said feeling guilty.
"We'll Who Knows Where He Went." Jacob said.
"Yeah Knowing Chres, He Could Be Anywhere.." Rayon said.
"I Hope He Doesn't Do Nun Stupid" Jenni Said.
"We Should Find Him Y'all" Rayon suggested.
"What About School?" Jacob Asked.
"We Can Ditch, My Brothers Safety Is More Important Then School Right Now" Jenni said.
"Wait, What About The Food!" Craig Yelled.
"Nigga, Can You Forget About The Damn Food, That We Ain't Even Payed Yet?!" Rayon said.
"Whatever." Craig Scoffed As We Left The Resturant.
"We've Looked Everywhere! Where The Hell Could He Be?!" Jenni Yelled.
We were driving around in separate Cars. The Guys Drove In Jacobs Car, I Was Riding With Jenni.
"Are You Sure We Checked Everywhere?" I asked.
"Well Yeah!" She yelled. "When I Find Him, Lord Knows What Imma Do To Him!" She added.
I Thought About Where We Went To Find Him...
The Park,
The Mall,
Corner Stores,
Like What The Hell Man !
"Was There A Place You And Him Would Go, To Hang Out or A Place Y'all Went As Kids?" I asked.
She looked as if in deep thought... He eyes suddenly shot wide open.
"Oh My God, I Think I Know Where He His!" She Beamed.
"Ok, Where Is It ?!"
She had a serious expression plastered on her face.
Her jaw clenched as she tightly gripped on into the steering wheel.
"Tell The Boys We Got It From Here" She Said Angryly.
She pressed the gas pedal. The car went into full speed. I'm surprised a cop didn't pull her over!
We pulled up into an abandoned building downtown.
I've never been here before. Graffiti were everywhere and the place smelt like straight up weed and alcohol . Something that reminded me of my past... Something that I don't want to flashback into.
Jenni parked around the side of the building. She stopped the car and exhaled deeply trying to calm her self.
To be honest I was a bit nervous about what might go down. She looked at me, her face was serious.
"Joyslin, Listen To Me; Please, I Mean Please, When We Go In Don't Make Eye Contact, Dont Speak, If Your Asked A Question Nod Yes Or Shake Your Head No. Let Me Do The Talking , Were Only Here For Chresanto. Got That." Her Voice Was Stern and Strict.
I Nodded.
"Good, Now Here" She Handed Me A Pocket Knife.
"Stick This In Your Shoe, Just In Case Something Happens."