Here We Go...

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Hey Y'all I'm Back !! It Felt Months Since I've Written Anything, And I Apologize ! There's Been So Much Going On With My Summer That I Didn't Have Enough Time To Write; But That Will Change Soon! I've Gotten Lots Of Reads And It Makes My Day To See Readers That Are Reading My Story ! So Thanks (:

Ok Enough Of Me, On With The Story....


I left the Library and made my way to my locker to get my things for my next class period. I have Chemistry next. Chemistry isn't my best subject, But I can manage...I think?.

I got everything I needed for class and went to go look for it.




" Are you fucking serious." I said to myself. Ok, I seriously don't know where the hell I'm going. I started to get frustrated bit, At the fact that i might be late for class so all eyes can be on me...Again. I was about to give up until I heard a light chuckle behind me.

"Lost?" a soft deep mellow voice said.

I turned around and saw 'Him' , Chresanto his name was.

I shifted my weight over to my right leg while crossing my arms.

"What makes you think I'm lost?" I questioned.

He chuckled again and started to 'Swag Walk' towards me...


"Maybe because you like in the middle of nowhere, while holding your books and your schedule. Also, you were talking to your self and you sounded frustrated Soo.." He trailed off.

I rolled my eyes.

"Maybe I am 'Lost' okay, Now what?" I responded.

He looked to the side, then at me with a smirk on his face. This smirk was bigger then the one he gave me in the Library.

"Look, I don't have time to waste talking to a stranger like you so bye." I dismissed walking away.

He jogged and stopped in front of me causing me to stop in annoyance.

"This nigga..." I mumbled.

I guess that he heard cause he rose one of his eyebrows.

"Rude much?" He said walking closer to me.

"Well get used to it 'Pretty Boy' " I responded.

He bit his lip while looking me up and down.

"Enjoying the view?" I asked sarcastically .

This time both of his eyebrows went up.

"Actually...I Do" He said smiling.

I scoffed and started to walk around him, only to be stopped once again.

This pissed off!

"Nigga, If You Don't Move In 1.5 Seconds I Swear I'll -"

"You'll What?" He said cutting me off. "What You Gonna Do?"

He took a step towards me, Inches from being face to face.

"You Have No Idea 'Pretty Boy' " I said through gritted teeth.

"Aww Look, Wanna Be Miss Bad Girl Think She Gansta She Threatend A Big Boy Like Me?" He smiled.

"More Like 'Little Boy', And Who Are You To Tell Me How I'm Acting Like? Boy You Don't Fucking Know Me !" I yelled.

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