Today, Seventeen had a whole day-off from schedules. So, as a healing time, they all went to an amusement park.
But only you and your boyfriend, Lee SeokMin, a.k.a Dokyeom, decided to stayed in the dorm instead.
You guys decided that since today is a day-off, why not just stay at home and relax all-day long? That's why you guys are now in the kitchen, figuring out how to bake cookies.
"Babe? Do you know how to bake cookies?" he asked, nervously looking at the ingredients lying in the kitchen counter.
"Unfortunately, I don't," you laughed when he gave a 'are you kidding me?' look. "But it won't hurt to try, " you continued while picking up your phone to search on recipes.
He walked to you and looked over your shoulder to peek at your phone, getting dizzy after seeing endless recipes for different kinds of cookies.
"What kind of cookies are we going to make?" he looked at you, and you shrugged.
"I was thinking of making chocolate chip ones. Is that okay?" you turned towards him and he nodded happily.
"Good idea!" he exclaimed. Looking cheerfully at you.
You read the ingredients out loud while he checked just in case there is something missing.
"We seem to have almost everything, except for the vanilla extract, and we ran out of milk this morning. So this means, we have to go to the supermarket to buy them," he said.
"Okay then. Let's go!" you exclaimed, marching out the kitchen with him following you.
"Shall we?", he opened the door and bowed, winking at you.
You curtsied while replying in a fancy voice. "We shall, kind sir,"
You walked out and he followed before closing the door behind the both of you.
Then he linked arms with you and walked happily to the supermarket.
At the supermarket, the both of you messed around a lot.
First, you and Dokyeom took turns joyriding in the shopping trolleys, earning some rude stares from people. Though some saw the both of you as a cute couple and didn't do anything.
Fortunately, the both of you didn't bump into any carats.
After joyriding, you guys got tired and decided to calm down and get some chips and snacks along the way. Not forgetting to buy extra for the boys.
Finally, you guys went to get the vanilla extract and two big cartons of milk. After that, you guys payed for the food and went home.
Part 2 coming up soon...
(Edited, 8.6.2019. Oof, I'm scared that I won't get these editing finished before the school holidays end. T-T)

Fanfiction-FINISHED- (Open for requests!!) Pick this, pick this story up! Pick this, pick this story up! You won't regret it, I promise! These are a collection of Seventeen short stories/imagines that came from my brain. I am a boring "yet interesting", acc...