Wonwoo's P.O.V:
"What the hell do you guys think you're doing?! The choreography was perfect awhile ago, but after a 5 minute break, it became shit! What happened?!" our dance instructor screamed furiously at us.
I looked at my feet, eyebrows furrowed. SeungKwan, who was beside me, flinched slightly. I wanted to comfort him so much...
When our dance instructor heard no responses, he stood in front of SoonYoung and stared him down.
"What in the world happened just now?" he asked in a low, threatening voice. I glanced at SoonYoung from the corner of my eye and saw him shake his head, still looking down.
"I-I'm not sure either...," he mumbled and a loud smack landed on his head.
He yelped, holding his burning head. I sighed as I closed my eyes. 'It's gonna be a long night," I thought.
I fumbled with the keys in my hand as I let out a long yawn.
We were supposed to end practice at 2 in the morning, but we messed up the choreography so our dance instructor made us do it again and again until 5:30. I opened the door of the condo that I live in with my beloved girlfriend, _____.
As soon as I stepped in, someone jumped on me and wrapped theirs limbs around me.
"Wonwoo, I missed you so much! Why didn't you answer my calls? I was worried sick!" _____ said.
Her voice was muffled as she buried her face in my chest. I stumbled before wrapping my arms around her torso and hugging her tightly.
"I'm sorry, we had to turn-off our phones when we were practicing. We messed up a lot too so hyung-nim made us practice until now. I'm sorry that I made you worry so much," I said before kissing the top of her head. She sighed.
"I forgive you. I understand, life being an idol is tough. And you're an idol, so me and you will have to get used to it. Right?" she asked and looked up at me since I'm taller than her.
I smiled before leaning down and stealing a kiss on her lips, making her gasp and blush.
"Of course, thanks for understanding. I seriously love you so much," I cooed. She hid her face in my chest again to hide her blushing face, but her ears gave her away.
"Whatever, I love you too," she mumbled. We stayed there for a couple of minutes until I decided to pull away. I didn't want to, but we can't be seen together, or a scandal might happen.
"Aww, I still wanna cuddle!" she whined. I just smirked and kissed her again.
"We could do that after we get inside," I told her.
"And after you take a bath," I raised an eyebrow at _____, making her roll her eyes with a sigh before saying, "No offence, but you smell of sweat and I do not want to cuddle with a boyfriend who smells like dirty gym socks," I smiled at her words.
"Right, of course. Let's go in before anyone sees us. I don't want anyone capturing your beautiful face," I said as I guided her inside our house.
Before I went inside our bathroom, I felt _____ grasped my wrist.
"Hey, you're free from schedules tomorrow, right?" she asked. I nodded in response, curiously looking at her. She seemed quite nervous.
"Yes?" I said, raising an eyebrow.
"If you don't mind, do you want to accompany me to go shopping for clothes tomorrow?" she suggested. I stared at her, surprised, before replying.
"Sure, let's head to the shops in the afternoon, we need to get some rest in the morning,", she nodded before hugging me. I smiled fondly at her until she's out of eye shot, I let my smile drop as I sigh tiredly, heading into the bathroom.
'I'm happy that we took acting classes in training,' I thought, letting the water take over my thoughts.
To be continued..........
(Edited: 10/7/2019)

Fanfiction-FINISHED- (Open for requests!!) Pick this, pick this story up! Pick this, pick this story up! You won't regret it, I promise! These are a collection of Seventeen short stories/imagines that came from my brain. I am a boring "yet interesting", acc...