Vernon's P.O.V:
I've always loved and cherished him, but he doesn't know. So today, I'm going to confess to him in front of the whole class.
And who is that lucky person? Well, it's the one and only, Boo SeungKwan
I wonder how will he react if I confess. Will he like me back? Will he accept my feelings? Or...will he judge me and not be my friend anymore?
I hope that won't happen.
I walked to class, sat down and waited anxiously for him to arrive. As I was fiddling with my fingers and reciting what I will say to him, I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Hey, Hyung. Are you nervous?" I turned and saw one of my friends, Chan (or Dino, as we call him).
"Kind of. I'm quite scared about what he will say," I confessed.
He nodded understandingly. "Let's just hope he won't roast you," he jokingly said, making the both of us laugh.
"That's why I like him. He burns people," I said, making us laugh harder.
"Of course, you love him,"
SeungKwan's P.O.V:
"Hello, SeungKwan! It's nice to see that you are up and at school," SeokMin, who was waiting for me at the school gates, cheerfully said.
"Hyung, the only reason I drag my butt to school is," I started.
"To see your Vernon, we know," someone voice came from the side, cutting me off.
"Oh, JeongHan-hyung!" SeokMin waved at the newcomer. I whipped around and narrowed my eyes at him.
"Next time, do NOT cut me off, or I will sass you butt out!" I jokingly said, making them laugh.
JeongHan shook his head. "Oh, SeungKwan. What would we do without you?"
I placed my hands on my hips for extra texture, before replying.
"Without me, your singing would be as bad as the food from the cafeteria!" I exclaimed, and SeokMin made horn noises while JeongHan looked offended.
"I can't believe you guys... I got to go guys; I haven't finished my homework yet. Bye!" he waved before taking off into the school.
I bid goodbye with SeokMin before heading to class myself.
Vernon's P.O.V:
My eyes snapped to the door as it opened. Finally, he is here. My breath quickened with every step he took, until he arrived at the seat beside me.
"Hey, SeungKwan," I decided to tease and said it in English.
"Oh, hello Hansol," he replied in the same language before grinning triumphantly.
"Did you have a good morning? I did. It makes me very happy to see you," I grinned as he struggled to understand what I just said. It is fun to tease him using English, I find it cute when he doesn't understand.
"Hey, don't do that! You know very well that I'm not good at English!" he whined.
"It's not my fault that you're so cute when you can't understand," I said, and his eye widened. I looked at him, confused.
I slowly digested what I said. My eyes became wider while my cheeks turned warm.
"W-wait, t-that's not what I mean! You're not cute when you don't understand, I-I mean you are! No, it's just.... You look normal, okay?" I stammered. "Wait, no. I didn't mean that you don't look good, you look good, it's just... Ugh, never mind!" I covered my face with my hands.

Fanfiction-FINISHED- (Open for requests!!) Pick this, pick this story up! Pick this, pick this story up! You won't regret it, I promise! These are a collection of Seventeen short stories/imagines that came from my brain. I am a boring "yet interesting", acc...