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Kim grabbed my left wrist and dragged me to the men's room of the campus' left wing. When he gets agitated, he needs to let out whatever it is that is going on inside his head.

I had to put on a smile in front of Brother Baxter to pretend that everything's alright, and we're not starting any trouble.

We aren't supposed to be here.

"Let go of me, Kim!" I struggled as he pulled me all the way to the corner of the bathroom.

"Keep your voice down, Tee."

He finally let go of me before checking all the stalls if they're empty by bending forward and taking a peek at each cubicle.

"Clear!" he then says.

"This isn't the time and place to talk about a heist!" I insisted.

"Sssshhhhh! You're the one who's going to get us in trouble." He tried covering my mouth with his right palm, but I managed to stop him.

"SAT's in six weeks, and if we really want to get in to the school we've always dreamed of, we need to start planning now." he babbled.

"How do you exactly plan on stealing the answers to the SATs?" that came out exactly as I thought it would.

"We'll be needing help... from some people."

"Where can you find people who would voluntarily dip themselves into trouble?" I asked Kim.

Just as I finished that query, the door of the third stall opened slowly, and someone unbelievable made his presence felt.

"I CAN HELP!" says the guy sitting on the toilet tank with his feet on the covered seat.

"BAS???" Kimmon and I blurted out his name at the same time.

Apparently, he hid himself when he heard us entering the john.

Bas wants to take part in this suicide mission. We are so screwed. Why?

Because why the hell would the class salutatorian need the answers to the SATs?

Shady, isn't it?


stoked_souL says: experimental, guys. bear with me.

be honest and throw your comments at me.

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