The journey over to the Covenant was probably a whole lot less dramatic than what anyone expected. The last weeks were spent between finishing training, packing things up; equipment, personal items, anything and everything, that by the time press conferences had been and gone, there was nothing else left to do than go.
It was sad really, everyone stood in the main living space silent. "The place gave me cabin fever after three days, but I'm gonna miss the place, you know?" Tennessee had stated, sounding actually quite reminiscent already. They hadn't even left and he was speaking so fondly of this place, even though he was usually the first to complain about something here. Be fair, everyone got to that stage eventually. It was just the same thing day in and day out, repetitive and boring. By the time everyone had finished and passed training, and were as good as they were ever going to be, there was really nothing left to do. Tennessee and Faris more so were on the bad end of the stick, they were about the only two who didn't have things to actually lend a hand with.
The security team had the firearm and combat training, Jacob and Oram had plans to go through; final preparations for what was to happen once in space, and all that. As navigator, Ricks was involved closely in these conversations, Upworth sat in and advised checkin points with local space stations which would be passed in transit. Daniels, Karine and Onora worked closely with the on the ground things; the terraforming equipment which Daniels seemed more than capable with checking over herself, the plants and things keeping them alive, and packing them all safely up kept Karine and Onora busy. Between them they managed to get everything sorted and safely packaged away within a four day cycle. So, it really did leave the two pilots without anything to do for quite a time, they grew bored rather quickly because of this.
The looming hangar which had the ship in grew closer; the vehicle in which they all travelled over in had to be specially parked and a tunnel of some sort of plastic to be fashioned between one and the other. The paranoia of illness was still very much present. The last thing anyone needed, especially those in charge of the whole mission, was someone to get ill and instantly be placed in quarantine.
There was no doubt about it, the Covenant was a hell of a lot bigger than any scans and imagery they were provided with. All of the crew stood suddenly looking up at the ship in awe. This tremendous feat of engineering was to be their home for the foreseeable future. It seemed so big, for such a small crew; the colonists had already been loaded up and stationed in the bay which was designated for them. The only thing left, was for them all to enter. From there, it was all systems go.
There were no more press conferences to publicise what was happening, and where they were going; no more final checks, no more system updates, checks, reroutes and reprogramming, no more. It was all done, and dusted, and everyone was just needing to be onboard to get going.
Walking into the ship itself was strange, the corridors were a mixture of white walls and dark floors, brightly lit and stretching onwards, thick heavy doors slid open and eventually everyone managed to find their ways to the bridge. No one as yet had branched off to go and explore, everyone seemed to be heading in the same direction.
Of course when they got to the bridge, the missing member of their crew was there. Walter turned, arms crossed behind his back, dark hoodie and trousers, pretty much looking the same as when he left. He looked over the faces which suddenly appeared, "Hello," he blinked and watched them properly file into the room. They all managed to fit in, though the room was seemingly small, it was deceivingly big. The table took up most of the room, and it for the moment laid unused and unlit.
"Walter!" Jacob was the first to greet the synthetic, wide grin in place as he dropped his holdall bag onto the floor and walked over. Walter just turned his face and looked at the shorter Captain suddenly by his side. He got one of Jacob's hands clamping onto his shoulder several times, he looked happily up at him. "It is good to see you again!"
Fanfiction"Everything that is alive, can love; it can feel. Even if you think you can't, doesn't actually mean you can't, Walter." Onora Price smiled from behind one of the many trees which were stashed away onboard the USCSS Covenant at the brunette syntheti...