[11] - House of Hyper

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Trudy's Chocolate cake was Camilla's ultimate sweet tooth indulgence. She didn't care what anyone said or thought, as she cut herself a bit of cake which was twice as large a slice than any other girl was currently holding in the room - much to the amusement of her brother, Mick, Jerome and Alfie - settling herself on the arm of the leather chair so she could talk to Patricia (explaining what the hell happened with Mara and Amber). She shot Nina a smile as she entered the room, arm in arm, with Amber, both of them approaching the cake. Looking around the room, Camilla couldn't help but enjoy the normality of it all, a house party with minimal drama, no hidden keys or doors, no Patricia trying to find out what happened to Joy. It was a high school party. Camilla's attention shifted as Patricia got up, and Nina took her place on the couch by Camilla's feet. "Did Amber tell you she is moving in with us?" Nina asked Camilla as she nibbled on the cake. Amber had left to grab Mick the moment she saw Nina with Camilla.

"Yeah, I was there to witness the whole catfight in the kitchen." Camilla informed Nina with a roll of her eyes, "And the whole move thing was my idea. So don't go thinking it's a new way for Trish to get at you. On the contrary, I felt it would solve all the problems the girls were having, even a little."

Nina smiled at the twin gratefully, she hadn't really had many female friends, but between Camilla and Amber, she couldn't help but feel that her time at Anubis was worth it just to befriend both girls. "So, this catfight? What happened?" she couldn't help but ask.

Camilla laughed slightly, "Short version to get to the point; Amber overheard Mara talking about how she fancied Mick and how Amber didn't suit him. She flirted with him. So Amber decided she'd rather be with the two people she knows has no interest in Mick whatsoever and actually valued her friendship."

"She said that about us?" Nina asked, surprised.

"No," Camilla admitted with a laugh, "but I like to think it is true." This caused Nina to laugh also as both girls turned to watch Amber blatantly flirt with Mick in front of an irritated Mara.

There was a soft cough, and Nina and Camilla whipped their heads round to see Fabien standing in front of them, looking nervous, which caused Camilla to instantly smirk, "Eh, Nina." He started, not making eye contact with his sister whatsoever, "Do you want to dance?"

Nina looked surprised for a second and glanced at Camilla, who leaned forward and took Nina's cake from her giving her a look that said 'go on then'. Then, turning back to face Fabian, Nina smiled widely, "Sure. But I'm going to apologise in advance for the damage I'm about to do to your feet."

"You can't be as bad at Cammy", Fabian teased, causing Camilla to pull a face in his direction. Nina laughed as she took Fabian's hand, and he led her to the dance floor, Camilla turning so she could watch them as she ate Nina's cake.

"Are they your new project?" Alfie's voice came from behind her, causing her to laugh and nod, turning her head to look at him.

"They are so cute. They just need the push!" Camilla told him, and he shrugged at her, "want to share Nina's cake with me?" she asked, holding up the cake. Alfie didn't need to be asked twice as he instantly sat next to Camilla the grabbed half the cake in his hands, stuffing it into his mouth, causing her to laugh loudly at him. Yes, this was defiantly her world back to normal, and Camilla was loving it.

Once he finished his cake, Alfie turned to Camilla clearly on some kind of sugar high and ran from the room with nothing more than a matter of "Wait here, I've had a brilliant idea", and within minutes he had run back into the room with a horse's head on from the drama performance the year before (Camilla had no idea how Alfie had talked the school into letting him keep Button's head but here they were) screaming "Look everyone I'm a party animal!" causing everyone to burst out laughing at his antics.

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