[27] House of Emergency

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Camilla gasped awake, sitting upright as she tried to figure out where the feeling of dread in the pit of her stomach came from, or the weird image of a pendant with a woman with wings that seemed to be floating about in her brain. However, she knew she couldn't dwell on that currently, as her gasp had awoken Nina who rubbed at her eyes confused. Before the girl could ask her friend what was wrong the door to their room creaked open causing both girls to whip their heads in that direction. Jerome and Fabien looked in, both looking worried.

"Alfie?" was all Camilla could whisper, knowing it was him that had her worried so much.

Jerome nodded his head. That was all Camilla needed. She ripped off her duvet and pulled on her bunny slippers, grabbing the nearest jumper from the bottom of her bed and her torch as she rushed towards the boys, Nina copying the girl's actions as quietly as she could.

When the four got to the kitchen Nina turned to them all, "So what is going on?"

"Alfie is trapped in the cellar," Jerome whispered frantically as if he was trying to get all the information out as soon as he could so they could go straight to the finding his friend part of the night, "he has been down there hours and I need you to help me find him."

Nina looked from the distressed boy to Camilla who was next to him. She had never seen Camilla so worried and worked up in the time she had been at Anubis. This was for real. This wasn't some silly prank, but a rescue mission.

With a single nod of her head, she pulled out her locket and opened the fake oven door so they could crawl into the cellar below.

The cellar was never a welcoming place to do, even with their many trips down to it in the darkness on that particular night to Camilla the cellar seemed even more eerie than normal. "Alfie? Alfie..." was the whisper from them all as they split up to search for the boy. Jerome going to the wardrobe that the boys had hidden in when they pranked the group, whereas Nina and Fabian searched the lab area of the cellar.

"He's not here." Camilla heard Fabian softly say. Her eyes locked onto the small cabinet. She didn't know why or how, but she was drawn to it. As if she had seen it somewhere before, in a dream of a dream, and knew Alfie was hiding in there. "If you're messing around..." Fabian started but was interrupted when Camilla softly said.

"Guys, here." She crouched by the cabinet and creaked open the door. Inside was Alfie, curled up, shivering – clearly in shock. He turned to look at Camilla, and it took everything in her not to dive on top of him and hug him.

"Cam?" he whispered, reaching out and putting a hand on her cheek as if making sure she was real.

"It's me, Alf." She reassured him, placing her hand on his and stroking it with her thumb, "it's me, your safe now. Nothing's going to get you." Her voice broke a little but neither of them cared.

From behind her, she could hear Nina and Fabian gasping in relief to see Alfie, Jerome too seemed happy to see him, even if there was a worrying edge to his tone when he asked, "Look at me, it's me, Jerome." When the boy flinched away from his touch and started shivering again, Camilla batted Jerome's hand away. Carefully taking Alfie's hand and slowly stroking the back of it with her thumb to calm him down again.

"Shhh, you're safe now, I promise."

"Okay, we need to get him out of here," Fabian stated, taking charge. Jerome moving next to Camilla, so the two of them together could help Alfie up. Once he was on his feet they all moved as one. Nina shutting the cupboard before rushing ahead to open the door, Fabian staying behind Camilla and Jerome, in case the two couldn't hold the boy. All of them knowing they needed to get Alfie out of the cellar and fast. Whatever had him shocked was clearly something in there, perhaps he'd get better in his own room.

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