the itch

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though a day is twenty-four
hours, mine seem to drag on
even longer than that because
i can't get you out of my head

and you're there every time
i turn my head.

i've got a problem with
trying to find you, looking
around way more than i
need to just because i don't
want to completely lose you.

my life will never be any better

until you are gone, but i just

don't want to accept the fact
that i will have to change a
bunch of things that i have
finally grown used to with you.

my heart aches, craving your

touch in a soft manner as to
let me know that you are still

there for me - my heart wants
this so bad, but my mind knows
that this is not a thing i need
and one that i should truly

though i know all of this, my
skin still itches for the warmth

of your skin and my lips crave
the soft, gentle touch of yours.

the itch and crave grows slowly
each day, enough so that when

i go home each day - i break.
the tears fall heavily for hours,
my heart hurting and my brain

scolding it for the silly and
foolish things it wanted and

dreamed to finally have.

it all itches and i might just
scratch at it until then skin

begins to fall off and maybe

it will finally stop - but until
that day i just have to suffer.

the itches and craves grow
and grow and one day -
one day this will break me.

- december 17, '17 ; 20:22

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